Im looking for feedback regarding the new update, any changes you would like to see? additions? anything? PM me here on the forums, or on discord @ Dewblackio2#6950
guys, thank you so much for this.
this is the best
You are very welcome. I put in a lot of time and effort to bring the tool up from nothing, and then shrike came in and made all my sloppy spaghetti code into an elegant piece of art. Personally i love making stuff like this so if you have anything you wanna see done id be happy to give it a shot when i have the time.
Thank you for your kind words ill be sure to forward them to shrike as well since i dont believe he is on the forums here.
I am curious now, if you’re doing different colours what is the order? I keep messing up and adding the colours in the wrong places. It also seems to skip colours if they’re not there?
Seems you aren’t receiving the Tray Tip notifications that should be popping up between stages… I did make a tutorial on how to fix this problem if you are on Windows 10
- Open up the deathnote drawing tool
- Open any jpg image inside the tool
- Press Apply and let the image process
- Once it is done processing, Type in your search bar (next to start button) “Notifications” and press enter.
- check to make sure “Get Notifications from Apps and Other Senders” is ON.
- Next, scroll down to the bottom, until you find “ToLDeathnoteTool.exe, or ToLDeathnoteTool.au3 if using the AutoIt version”
- If you dont see the ToLDeathnoteTool.exe in there, hit apply in the app again to re-process the image again, and refresh the notifications & actions settings
- Make sure that is is checked to ON and then click on the label itself to open its other notification settings
- Set the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth ones to ON (all except the third option)
Well then. Thanks again.
No problem, if you are still encountering an issue regarding colors being skipped when they aren’t intended to be, or just can’t get the tray tips to appear, let me know. I can always create a custom build that uses message boxes or a overlay prompt to indicate the following steps/commands to execute.
If everything got resolved, well that’s good to hear!
I hope you enjoy using the tool <3
Hey can I get some help with this tool?
The window of the tool appears huge for me and I can’t reach the bottom of it.
Also when I try to execute a drawing it starts from the top of the screen in paint before the drawing page starts, in the top bar.