Replacement for Mental Blur

Stolen from this thread:

Instead of erasing the chat history of a player (which does nothing but confirm the existence of an Illusionist) make it instead hide the names of players in chat the next day for the victim. So they can’t know who’s talking =D


I think this is a perfect idea. This makes it confusing for the target, while allowing them to participate in the day. How many uses?

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I like this idea, especially since people could then fake-claim to have been mental blurred in order to explain erratic behavior.

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I suppose 2. Illusionist is a rare class, so I don’t see harm in making it powerful.

Hide or swap. Swap might be stronger

Hide. Meaning everyone would appear as “???”

Another suggestions:

Entwine Fates (2 uses): Select two players. If the first gets executed tomorrow, the second will die that night.