[RESOLVED] Unable to Enter Matches

What happened: When I am at the main screen and attempt to join a match I have ?'s next to the ‘Players Online’, ‘Rooms’, and ‘In Lobby’ options. I am unable to select ‘Solo Play’ and every time I select ‘Create Group’ it just states ‘Verifying Version’.

What was SUPPOSED to happen: I believe there are supposed to be numbers next to a few of the items and that I should be able to find matches. I also believe that I may have seen others posting this, but I can’t find the posts, so if this is an issue that is currently being addressed feel free to just delete this post.

Have you tried restarting the game and if that didn’t work tried restarting steam?

(And if that didn’t work tried restarting your PC?)

Yep, just tried all of those again just to be sure, but it’s still not working.

Okay… what version of the game are you on?


Alright that’s the latest version so that seems fine.

Were you able to play before or has this always been an issue?

I only bought the game yesterday, and it’s been happening since I got on.

Okay… that’s really weird then.

I’ll go ask around the team and see if anyone has more info.

Great! Thank you, I really appreciate it!

Heads-up, this might take a little longer since I need to wait for responses and so on.

No worries! I figured it might be a while, please take your time!

While you wait, try these things:

[Timed Out @ Login Servers? Can’t matchmake? No lobby stats?]

  1. Quit out of steam fully. Then run it as administrator.

  2. After launching steam, (assuming you’re using Windows), open CMD and type in the following commands:
    ipconfig /release

This will release your IP from your router (internet will not work for now)

  1. Type:
    ipconfig /renew

This will assign a new IP from your router (internet will work)

  1. Type:
    ipconfig /flushdns
    This will flush DNS; helps with an overflow of packets.

Still not working?

  • Can you connect here? http://portquiz.net:5058
  • Can you connect here? https://api.ThroneOfLies.com
  • ^ If you couldn’t connect to either of these, it’s 100% your firewall/network security issue.
  • Try temporarily disabling your firewall (+other network security) and trying again. If it works, it means your firewall may be too strong and forgot to click the ‘Allow’ button when you first launched the game.
  • Are you on campus? Maybe some ports are blocked.
  • Common (but not all) timeout issues seem to be an issue with your own firewall/network security settings set too high.
  • Full list of ports here: https://doc.photonengine.com/en/realtime/current/reference/tcp-and-udp-port-numbers


[Windows] download ‘psping’ from Microsoft site: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/psping
Drag the files into /windows/system32
Start menu, Run, type psping ns.exitgames.com:80 and send us your results.

This appears to be the same issue myself and a couple other people have been having. One of the other mods had said the devs were working on it.

Edit: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/stuck-on-timed-out-reconnecting/5978/15 for reference if it helps
Edit2: It seems like you are right about some ports being blocked on campus internet. I turned on a VPN and now the game works fine. Thanks so much for your help!

Hey @ApolloRogue could you try if this fixes it for you too? ^

Yep, set up a trial account for a VPN and it worked like a charm. Speaking as a computer illiterate individual is this something that will/could be fixed in the future, or would I need to use a VPN as long as I’m on campus, because that probably won’t be changing for a while.

Hmm I’m not actually too sure about that.

I would assume (note that I don’t 100% know, but am about 90% sure) that you’re going to have to keep using the VPN for now. As described by Pizza it seems like some ports are blocked on the internet connection you are using on your campus.

If you don’t know what a port is, try imaging it like being a road at a crossing. Your campus internet is basically blocking the way to this road, so as long as your campus keeps up blocking it you’ll have to keep using the VPN which doesn’t block it.

There’s technically also the method of solving this by changing the ports the game uses, but I can say with about 99,99% certainty that this will not happen.

Assume there to be no more questions – problem resolved.

Lemme know if there are and I can unlock this.