Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

policy exe rolecop claims

You did great though

Any allegations of people existing are purely unfacts spewed out by the media

Mafia Parity Role Cop

Mafia Parity Role Cop

tbh i thought they were just mafia rolecop

the fact their claim was 100% accurate is kinda hilarious

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Silviu obvtown


silvius claim was super obviously real

that ML was, again, baffling

Silviu best newbie

yeah I suck at reading sometime. sorry silviu

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Invest claims are 90% of the time scum

Silviu misyeet was omega absurd because a solo newbwolf wouldn’t think to claim arsonist because that’s a conventional evil role and gorta wouldn’t think to feed that type of claim

but i don’t judge people for not catching it because lord knows I would have probably killed 3 villagers and then victim blamed postgame if i were playing


i didnt need to read his posts

he claimed town arsonist in a 10p

legit makes so much sense

and a silviu/gorta team isnt going to think of that

Oh and of course the fucking

“All players are VT, lynch the host”


Surge is

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That’s gaming

You just don’t understand

Town Jester

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mafia can’t win if the host is dead :joy_cat:

I never will

I cannot comprehend the mechanisms that are Surge

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Was setup good

That was the best part. If I lived (I was hoping to get Silviu hung) I would have eventually suggested that we kill Seth because he never gets lynched