Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

i havent had a scum game since, my b, dont play much

I know, I checked the rest too lol

We don’t vote players because they are “good players”. @kiromishiro21 can you try and look at other players who aren’t Dat and broaden your horizons?

Like after I look at some of Light’s town games and see if this gut feeling holds any water I am going to bed, but tomorrow when I get back from work I plan to look at other peoples slots

I thought it was meta, not gut?

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I don’t know how to explain my reads. It’s an elaborate mix of meta, patterns, and gut. Like in one game I used a certain meta + initial gut reads to catch Centuries when no one else did

I see.

Now give me some time to look over your town games, so that I can go to bed on time to get up in time for work

Are you stupid?
I already explained it, your just Open Wolfing at this point or just need to go to your eye doctor.


Nice Try Buddy.

He’s not calling you scum, he’s calling you French… which is worse.

sorry i dont understand you, your not always the easiest person to understand

you’re* :^)


yeah whatever, light if someone told u were the opposite of a mafia jester, whats the idea that comes to your brain

Honestly if Geyde is the mafia here, we blame Gorta post game.

An existing role?

dude, straight up focus on actual reads, and stop with this lynch geyde stuff, you saw your votes go off the vc. This game isnt about lynching geyde

i have no comment beyond lol

like i think the opposite of mafia is town, and the opposite of jester is who knows what? I just dont get it, but hey im being told i dont have eyes. :wowee:

If someone gave your friend a Cookie and they gave you the other thing in their bag.
Then tell you the thing in their bag is an Apple and 5 seconds later you ask if it’s a Brownie. What’s the idea that comes to your brain if you were in that “someone’s” shoes.