Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

Geyde sent me a message in green letters that said: “Vanilla Town” but I didn’t understand what that role did. It just said below that he should win by lynching the mafia or something similar.

Then he surprised me when Surge said that he was also vanilla town and I didn’t know that in a game mode there could be 6 or 7 vanilla town.

That is why I knew that it is said Vanilla town and it should not be said vanilla city (I realized that when dat thought that I was more expert for some reason but I clarified that I used the translator)

Then I found it strange that dat claims to be VT(Dat).
I think that if they are not all VT there must be little chance that “Surge”, Dat and I are VT.
So I think Dat must have some bad role. I only read that there must be 7town roles and 3 mafia roles. Is that correct? Why doesn’t geyde tell us what mode we’re in?

I also feel that “Surge” is the only one I can trust at this moment and I also know that saying that can make others think that the two of us are mafia or something.
But I feel that he is leading the people and he also feels that dat is up to something


Vote Count

Voted Voters Count
eevee clonedcheese, DatBird 2/6
an_gorta_pratai Light 1/6
DatBird Surge, kiromishiro21 2/6
Silviu eevee 1/6
kiromishiro21 Mistyx 1/6

Ping me for any real errors

From statements clashing… let me give an example.

3: Somebody heal me I’m dying [dies next day]

And then 1 day later.

8: I’m a physician.

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Why do u think this. Having a good bit of vt is very common in closed setups

Where did u read this. Cause that’s not what is commonly thought here. It’s more in lines of 8 v2

But do u think I’m up to something or just following surge needlessly

7v3 would basically be over in two mislynches

If I was to guess, 7vs3 is actually way more likely than 8vs2.

That’s from my PoV.

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Eevee I dont care, ur just saying that to spite me. Like actually provide reads and I’ll care


Oh yeah, and teamwork can also work very well.

I would like everyone to claim their role. Beacuse Silviu said it was not VT.
And I don’t know if it is possible that there are 3 VTs and other town roles

Wait, I said what?

I think this was just an example bud unless I missed it elsewhere. Plus I would actually like if u responded to my questions instead if ignoring them

Why does everyone sound so fucking weird

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And you sound condenscending with that statement and that honestly makes you included in the said group.

Mist sounds weird
Dat sounds weird
Seth sounds weird

Eevee and Ami are lowposting

Cloned keeps dipping
Silviu refuses to say anything about the game
kiro is ???
gorta is trying to make a case on me with faulty evidence

Now, I don’t know why you think we sound so fucking weird, can ya please explain?

If I could explain it, it wouldn’t be too weird, hmm?

I’m refusing to say anything about the game? Okay, now I want you to um… scroll above…

Honestly people wanting everyone to be normal is way too overrated. Like what even a normal person even supposed to be? Everyone likes and dislike a certain thing about a person which makes them normal or abnormal…

You haven’t done any solving whatsoever, Silviu. The only slightly on-topic things you’ve done are talking about solving, which you ended with “or maybe not”.

I litterally just made a post in my cc about this, just feel like 3 people are playing the game, an additional 4th is trying but not doing it right. Just lowers my mood

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