Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

Bud u and Derps were hard tunneled. U didnt even give ur vote a second of thought after u saw me and aretes votes. U did it in ur next post. I get it reads are hard sometimes. My play there wasnt great. But ur acting like u have some type of God read on me when I been in thread for like ten minutes

Bussed Bussers Bus Count
Mistyx eevee 1/6
datbird surge, kiromishiro 2/6
eevee clonedcheese 1/6
an_gorta_pratai light 1/6
kiromishiro mistyx 1/6

The thing is that I am rarely here at the start of d1 with no info out.

What’s your plan for this game?
How are you going to improve from your previous games?


why did you vote me with no explanation

Plan is to try and keep a stable head basically, I got a bit heated last game and want to just not make these games stressful for me

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im on a bus

Good idea. We’re already dipping into dangerous territory with Seth, though.

wanna explain?

I plan to get more done early on and to try and continue being a bit more active/taking lead. I have played in the shadows enough. It’s time to get more involved

Because you were suspiciously suspicious and because someone else had voted for you. Also, you were the first to vote for someone :v
Its my first mafia game

Okay, and yet you’re saying you don’t know what to do. What do you think you should be doing?

have you read over any other mafia games at all?



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eh, i just gonna ignore him, as hes spouting that im a jester or some shit from me going on with eevees joke

I’m not about to sprout mech spec in a closed set-up.

I don’t know what to do now. I am not the usual memer and there is nothing to work with right now. I suppose the best course of action is to make content

What if we all withdraw our votes?
I don’t know how the vote of the first day works. Not much evidence

Theres no point, like i know as much as my classcard and op state, theres no reason to speculate farther and we need to calm down on the complaining about bussing as thats like all of cheese’s like iso from memory


you’re saying not enough evidence to bus someone d1 after you tried to quickhammer me

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