Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

Silviu, Eevee, Gorta Or Ami.

I do not know but many messages ago I said that Chesee did not seem suspicious to me although I do not know who he voted for and why he did it.

Gorta seems good to me although I may be wrong

Sure, but you won’t get anything out of it anyway.

So… hmm… I like color blue and also my favorite total war is medieval 2.

Yes Dat. That’s as much as you will get from me.
So please, stop pinging me with questions which I shouldn’t answer.

Ok and can you tell me why you feel that way on each.

Not TRing them, don’t care about em.

@eevee shouldnt? dont u mean couldnt. I need something out of ya

what do u feel on Silviu’s big post about Kiro, they may feel differently than you but does that post come from a villager or wolf to you

Could be either Tbh. I’d have to read it again more throughly

can u do that for me, I want to see you expand on these reads as much as possible

I mean, I could, but you would lose all mechanical information I could bring?
As I said, it’s either ability or the talking.

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and can you tell us what this “mech info” is

And… how does it matter right now?

cause i dont beleive you, simple as that.

I believe Eevee, I just don’t believe Eevee has the right intention.

Soft your mech info if you don’t want it hard it

Gtg back to work.

basically put it this way: eevee outing day 1 as pr with a post restriction

theres 3 worlds

eevee (town non pr): doesnt give a shit about game and just doesnt want to post or give content, makes him a likely night kill since claimed pr.

eevee (town pr): outs to draw less suspicion on his lack of caring of game. But he did this before anyone was sus of him, basically just getting himself killed n1 for what reason. He was under no threat

eevee(as scum/neut): outs as pr so he doesnt have to try and give social play content day 1. Less interactions with scum buds that way so no wolf wolf interaction. Whole goal is basically survive to day 2 where hes forced to make up some mech, and probably get in a thunderdome where if he wins, his team is prob set unless we have a pr to get rid of him n2.

I straight up dont think its eevee is a pr world. I think its one of the other two.

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got dinner to make be back later

town pr??? what is that?

Dat, do you actually read own posts before posting?

If I did this claim without a pressure, it means that I didn’t do it to defend myself.
That’s like the point.

Scum usually claims stuff under pressure to survive longer.
Not without pressure.