Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

read this and tell me that Dat is scum

I tell you what I said to Ami … I don’t care what players do in other games. I’m sorry. Although it seems silly

You can often find patterns from reading peoples past games

I am going to bed soon

I’m going to see the election results and then I’ll go to sleep. I think I’ll wake up 2 hours before voting closes

basically I just dont believe his or claim, and his lack of solving do to it. Pretty much the whole reason there

like im at point in this game, where I just aint having fun, and im like it just feels stale, maybe a flip will change that, but idk just the lack of trying everyone has, is just depressing

…That’s it
Since gorta hasn’t posted much

However I do believe that him trying to show effort in that way and actually thinking through and invoking quotes pretty much tells me that he’s town.

I’ve just read through the thread and it’s just not something I want to deal with right now.

/vote kiro @Geyde

This is a policy lynch for a player who:

  1. I suspect is abusing the cover of a “new player” with ill intent
  2. refuses to listen to logic and instead blindly follows one and only one individual
  3. needlessly sheeps instead of independent analysis

Killing this player will result in:

  1. a more clear gamestate, with more analysis between players
  2. information (albeit minor) on other players
  3. dispelling of few conspiracy theories

At the expense of:

  1. Maybe losing a townie.

Kiro dies today.

Now I suspected both Dat and Surge.

But considering the past thread their behavior still seems to be normal as today. Even if we won’t be able to detect that ourself, one of them could say that one acts more suspicious than the other and will state they don’t have like before.

If they were teaming up then that would be obvious too because you act differently towards somebody who is your teammate, doesn’t matter how much you think it.

Lol … Well kill me, no problem, I only ask that you kill evee or silviu later

Now I’ll defend myself against those rubbish accusations.

Can u walk me through this, its like 3am and my brain dont wanna work

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Kiro, if you’re the evil it would be obvious that your accusations are just baseless, and first of all Dat suspected you before I could even do it.

So what you’re going to do about that?

Nothing :v

I apologise but I also have school and currently the school’s WiFi interrupted so now basically I can do what I can do, just remember I can’t carry you forever, okay, Dat?

are we talking the same Dat? Ur not carrying me at all lol

If they kill me, the only thing that will happen is that the mafia will kill Surge and you will kill the only one who defended him from the beginning

Now about defending myself.

Surge, of course he behaves like before so I don’t think it’s really him.

Now, he accuses me of being evil because I said I’m a noob and then for some reason couldn’t see that somebody told me what VT is.

And basically that’s it, he is using that strategy where you push somebody without providing a concrete argument and most and foremost didn’t provide anymore arguments to why I’m sus and why “i vented”.

The joke with vented is a joke, no worries.