Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

Oh right i havent posted my wallpost

  1. Vibereads are vibereads
  2. I dont really think NKA implicates anyone else? Hence why they were removed from “not right now” pool

i understand what these words mean but not when put in this order

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then post ur wall post

Not on pc

Most likely wont be for a few hours

And i dont wanna write on mobile

Tbh thats it
“I think nka implicates gorta”

Dont really have strong scumreads on anyone


Can i ask why you checked me in particular?

i’ve found slightly below null is the best place for cop checks and i had you slightly below null

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Wanna ask why you had me there but eh

If theres a burning reason state it

Otherwise just like this post lol

Ergh… nothing tbh.

No, I’m not going for 1 vs 1 thunderome as you were scared of, no worries.

if it’s a redcheck out it

I think Cloned had me pretty high on his town list (up by Surge)

nothing burning

i didn’t like you pushing to infoyeet kiro

i still don’t like how you seemingly haven’t really done anything with it

Mist busted my FPS ):<

I don’t have the mental capacity yet

understandable have a good day

also i find it weird gorta read up enough to respond to a recent post but didn’t see cloned retracting his claim


I just got back from work a few hours ago and my mind is mush

anyways, I have a few reads

also understandable have a good day

and those reads are…?


I don’t know how to read eevee, but if I had to say GTH I would say

eevee is a slight scumlean. There isn’t much content from eevee and

that’s something I don’t like, but I feel like I am not giving eevee a fair

shake. I just wish there was more here.


I remember Ami telling me how to read her and I don’t know if she

wants me to reveal that, but this Ami feels completely in her town

meta. based on my gut and meta I strongly think Ami is town


Cheese is a townlean of mine. I like his tone, he seems invested, and

it seems like he is making an effort to solve. The only thing that gives

me pause is how he handled Kiro, like this is why Cheese is only a

townlean. for now this is a townlean

where is the post?

I could probably find it myself