Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

Of course this is assuming we have 1 alive
If 2 alive then

hoooooo boy

but cloned if u can clear me now via socially, you have a poe of one. And then if thats somehow wrong you should 1 reconsider reads in mylo/lylo but have a poe of 1 again or 3. Like cloned, all i ask is you try and read me normally. Cause tbh i felt i lost that, and your building a mindset where Im scum only do to ur fear of a deepwolf. I know a lot of this shit im saying is NAI. As a wolf and town would beg you to do the same in both situations. But I honestly would love if u dropped an iso or something. Cause I dont see why you read me so low socially

also hello eevee


I cant

I can never clear anyone socially

Even now im going “fuck if seth is scum im gonna go commit toaster bathtub”

1 seth is never not town here
2. you can try, it doesnt hurt to try. Your scumreading me as you said for a social read. So take ur time, give a good go. You miss all the shots you dont take

I dont
tbh socially? I find eevee to be scummier than you, and pure socially, I like you better than Mist

Me having you as my primary kill is because you’re the one where the mech doesnt add up

I trust Mist’s claim
I trust Silviu’s claim
And by extension from Mist I trust eevee as well
Surge was the first one to claim VT and I see little debate there

that leaves me with you

I said yours was “lackluster”, as was Silviu
that in my talk says “NAI”

eevee’s weird posting + certain posts from Mist has me outright thinking they’re socially scum

But I’ve learned from my very first forum mafia game to never trust my social reads

look what happened in corrupt votes
all my reads on aroot was social and see where that lead

nevertheless I will take your advice and do an ISO on you tonight

I have orchestra rehearsal for the next 5 hours and I also wanna submit a college app

like I’m just going off ur posts dude

ok so reminder

  1. Mist’s claim is confirming you are VT and so is Surge. And that Eevee is not VT. Basically nothing new as u all 3 claimed that day 1. Sure no ones fighting them on it, which either means its real or its just people are sticking to their claims which is usual as this group of people dont really do fakeclaims from my knowledge maybe except for eevee.
  2. Silviu is claiming the night kill, I dont understand why ur clearing them so much, but dude I dont believe it at all. If u could go more into why you think they do it other than its idiotic go for it.
  3. You trust eevee is a pr. He prob is. But still we know nothing of it.
  4. Surge claimed VT but so did Kiro me light and you in that order. Like light lied, but I dont understand why a vt claim has less weight than a day 3 arso claim that claims the one kill from the night.

thank you, all I ask is you try.

like i knew i was going to die this game by mislynch it felt inevitable especially after day 1, but all i ask is you try your best to solve my slot.

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got dinner gtg

as stated previously lackluster = NAI, it’s just that I find other people’s mech to be convincing

and my argument on everyone else comes down to “do you FPS this much as scum”

My answer is “no” for everyone except maybe Mist and that’s a stretch

I am out as well

tinfoil I just had:

Dat mafia
Silviu Neutral Arsonist

Dat tried to kill silviu maybe?

Yes kill the guy Townreading me even though I’m asking for a thunderdome

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Cloned do I fit either night kills ur from ur analysis

As I have done some. Both point to like 1 person. Apparent enough if u ask me. I’m voting them

@eevee cmon dude, we need to know ur stuff

Like it complaining that u got blocked. But u have N2 actions to out

I have written a song to be played upon my death. Anyone here to discuss shit, or all alone am I