Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

Didn’t they just target you and Eli though?

no they targeted me, they targeted eevee n2 so thats why we were compared. They are comparing against u tonight to clear me

Ok that makes a bit more sense but the role name is still wrong.

Then again there is no clarification on a role name that has this either.

I need Eli’s full claim

yeah we all are waiting on it


I’ll keep that as consideration.

Just read Gorta, Dat is VT.

me too. Like those are not statements you make @clonedcheese for next time, please stay away from them. As like it allows scum to basically push the agenda you left for them. Again I’m sorry, thought no world they let Surge live another day as IC. But they did cause of ur statement. Again no worries bud, I will win this for us. And Ill use this game has just been a long lesson on a lot of things. Showed my emotional stability is super low, and that I need to work on that.

Interaction is T/W.

Probably assumed I would vote you but I’m not because your obvious VT due to Gorta interactions.

Eli’s slot only interacted with them once and Mist’s interaction with them is weird as it’s mainly talking about other people not really Mist in general.

theres no one we vote today, but no lynch. We are in mylo. And votes are locked so try to refrain from it til we hear from eli. He has a lot of explaining

Or just saying NAI stuff to Mist.
Like “I’ll post more” or something like that.

We vote today, I’m always killed.

No point in No Lynching.

I have written up worlds depending on nightkill, except for the ones where like i die as idc then

I’m always the kill no matter what.

Don’t play dumb please.
It’s MYLO.