Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

I am so you shut up about it. Its not gonna work

no just the fool part actually

I forgot the “S” Reeeeeeee

im not voting geyde because it’s midnight i feel like trolling and it’s funnier to watch you get upset about it

Use commas when putting three or more items in a list :^)

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Rafiki: this game
Simba: My mood

now that thats over. I want to relook at cheeses stuff

ugh i got so worked up my litteral kidney hurt


take care of yourself dat

Yeah the simple solution is just stop playing fm, I gave it a break and tried these past two games. But honestly its just like why do I play anymore. It just gets me pissed, and just like most times I just dont have fun. Im not asking for like the ez games where I dont have to try, but I dont feel like being berated and told I’m evil by literal IC town player.

do you even
you kidney

My side hurts. Idk if its my kidney but something there was aggrivating me mid that whole convo

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take care :mask:


@all americans

go vote

to clear this up are u talking about us townreading each other, or overal having more townreads than scumreads?

i honestly just dont have gorta having anything more than the light stick and tr he slapped on me. I have to time check all his shit he posted, and thats gonna take a bit. But if u have things in particular in those posts of his that make you scream town?

yeah if this is just a vanilla game, I think mafia would for sure know otherwise we could pull a candle light

so if u could, doesn’t have to be tonight its late. But tomorrow, go through that interaction pin point where u think someones being malicious, where someones trying to pocket. To note I started that as I wanted to get reads out early, and it encouraged someone else to do so as well. Plus was bored in thread as nothing was happening

i did like a month ago, I’m not happy either way

Everyone vote for geyde … I’ll vote for the one who doesn’t vote. Dart said it was VT too late for my liking.


cool idc, cause i was trying to not say it so if we had any prs Im still a target. But now cause seth Im less of a target for night kills

Or you can just be a evil rol claiming to be a vanilla town to say that the wicked don’t want to kill you to make the city suspicious of you.

ok well u just confirmed something, no one says city for town unless they know of the drawing fm

Can you explain what you just said?