Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

odd im not even typing

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[quote=“DatBird, post:710, topic:84642”]

I feel like “Surge” is the only confirmed town for me. I also feel that you know a lot about this type of game but you gave me certain clues that led me to think that you were some kind of evil.
It took you a long time to say that you are also VT and you did not want to vote for geyde.

I didn’t understand it but I listened to “Surge”. If there was a mafia or something similar …
I think they would not have followed the indications of surge and you always opposed him in some way. So I had to vote for you because you are directly opposed to the person who I think is 100% town

You don’t know how proud I am of myself, I have this boost that somebody agrees me, that I tried and overcome my self-confidence issues and also try to take evidence to prove the baddie to be guilty without reasonable doubt…

Okay, now this bothers me, normally I would think you would dismantle my argument in half, can you do that when you have time? Thanks.

Yes, I’m coming

I also want you to know that my main language is Spanish so I have to use the translator in many cases and I take my time to make big comments to check that everything is fine

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I never seen an Espanoles before, glad to meet you.

Now about your argument with Surge being a confirmed townie, why do you believe that? What if he is doing good so he convinces people to side with him while in fact he is somebody who would eliminate you from the game?

I only see that: v
Won’t you allow me to answer calmly?

Ah I apologise, go ahead.

I only see that: v
Won’t you allow me to answer calmly?

First I will explain my story and then I will see each of your thoughts.

I am a Town of Salem gamer since 2016 and I just entered the forum and found out about mafia games. I don’t even know if there are sheriffs or investigators here. I want to know who VT is and have a sheriff investigate me or something like that. I remember someone said it wasn’t VT but I think they edited it. I would like to know the role of Silviu.

It can be said that I am an experienced player and also those who know me know that I am guided by my instincts and I do not give many statements. I know that makes me suspicious to others but that’s the way I am. If I had played an evil role I would not have said much from the beginning and would have waited to know what was happening. But since I had a good role, I ventured to vote to see how that worked. Currently the only thing I know is that I trust “surge”

Wait for the other thing

I apologise, I need to do the practice of “good night”, see ya dear people.

What clues was i giving you?

cause he’s calling me scum and I think his reasons are flawed

and I think he’s town just dumb

I don’t vote for dat to “fit”. For me it is dat because before I also said it. He is the only one who opposes what he says “surge” and “surge” is the only one who led the people from the beginning and also said that it was VT and it seemed very strange to me that dat says that it is also vt many more hours late and after not wanting to pay attention to “surge”


and like this isnt the first time, i told you of this. You seem to be ignoring the other times I told u that if u beleive im opposing seth in more than just Seth thinks im scum for like 0 good reason

You are very right in that regard. I like the empathy towards me because that way you can forgive me if I say silly things that don’t make sense to you. I’m used to having a list of roles at the beginning of the day, but there isn’t one here, right?

I also think that you are some kind of evil role so it is normal for you to oppose the main town and say that you are town but you oppose it because you are not evil