Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

Sure, I can change my nickname to that.

im silviu

Why did you edit again and why did you respond to Silvo?

Okay I’m just joking about that, don’t take it seriously.

I’m fuckin losing my mind RN I swear lol

jokes are good

Sorry guys, I need to do online school, I will answer in recess, meanwhile I suggest you do an analysis of everything you think about me and use CTRL + F and my name to find all the quotes, good luck.

Wait Silviu what’s your favourite colour?


See ya

Mine is a weird kind of green

Kiro, what is your favourite colour?


Kiro you still there?


Ok, well stop making me lose my mind.

ask me … questions pls

Thought maybe you are Scum Puppeteer.

It’s okay. I don’t want them to think that I want to do gt

Are you Scum Puppeteer?