Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

That meta doesn’t matter to me and I don’t understand it. Because I can act like town perfectly in the next game even if I have to be a mafia

arises = Surge … translator :c

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You’re once again can’t make up your mind, what happend with you suspecting me?

Again Surge could spot from a mile away if Dat didn’t behave like their natural self and Dat would do the same with Surge, so your logic doesn’t hold.

My votes on eevee, but kiro is definitly an option for me atm. Im gonna sleep. Wanna be up and ready for EOD cause I feel it gonna be crazy

he cant, as seen in last game

Dat, this topic ends in 10 hours, you need to make up your mind, so who do you vote?

i sleep now 8 hours, wake up got two hours

You do not understand? I am not contradicting myself. I mean I don’t care … I feel like you act similar to the previous game but that’s no proof to me. I don’t care that makes you think I’m a suspect. Just vote for me and see for those who vote for me.

You can’t just trust your entire body like that, what if you oversleep and forget about this forum?

one i set an alarm, and i dont sleep thru that, 2 im a moderator on here, dont think ill forget

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Sorry for disturbing, can the voting tabel be shown here once again? I can’t find the newest one and I don’t want to do an error, thanks.

good night see ya at eod

Good night, I will go through hard times without you…

Kiro: Silvium, Mystic and Chesse.
Silvium: Evee, Surge, Kiro
Evee: Dart
Gorta: Light

I think it’s something like that for now


Damn it

I have tinfoils each one level more absurd than the next
But i camt explain whats happening otherwise

Sorry, cheese, what’cha sayin?

Also if you made your mind about who to vote, decide now before this thread ends.

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He already decided. Why do you want me to change my mind if he is voting for me?
That’s better for you right?

Why do you want him to change his mind if he’s voting for me?

I just want him to be sure.

Although I asked him that for some reason I didn’t spot him voting for you, lol.