Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

No … my vote is on evee :v

I voted for you and explained why before. You apologized to me, remember? You were late and I didn’t like that. I do not know if the mafia can speak in the day in another secret chat. But I voted for you because arises says so and arises is my king

Edit: arises = Surge

why is eevee scummy again, in your own words

btw there’s two "e"s on either side of the v

I don’t like that they base their words on previous games, I would also like to see Ami more active.

Ami did even spoke?

yes- she/he spoke but nothing in particular from my point of view

Well, then don’t get mad and don’t blame me either.
I still think cheese is good so don’t kill him if he kills me
Then kill evee. Ask Ami more things and watch Silviu

Honestly, it came in mind to suspect cheese and I didn’t even read what you’ve said. I can legit the suspicion telepatically even without reading the message.

Even if I’m mechanicly not able to speak?

*You’re so suspicious that I can even suspect what you say telephatically without even reading the message.

I don’t understand that … Do you have speaking restrictions?

I believe that it was mentioned before that sometimes eevee can’t speak because something doesn’t let them to do that.

Well I think I already said everything I had to say. From the beginning I tried to vote according to what it said and I think it comes up is town for everyone, right?

Basically silviu votes for me because I voted for him.
Evee votes for me not to be voted.

Clonedchesee votes for me because he thinks
I’m lying and I’m not a noob and I’m not a native of Spanish.

Now I go slowly and wait for your decision …
Evaluating that I was not afraid to speak from the beginning, although talking a lot apparently makes me suspicious. If it had been my turn to be a mafia I would not have spoken so fast … anddd IM VT

Back then you were currently voting for eevee, then after I accused you… YOU voted for me.
Eevee voted for you because she saw the reasoning.

Well your behavior changes, just like now, you are definetly not a noob in social deduction games as you said yourself that you have 2400 wins in ToS.

You also wanted to know the roles of others which it can be hurtful considering that there can be roles that have special abilities.

This is the best you got?

Can we get a VC @thepigeonnyc or @Geyde

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there’s the added factor that you’re blindly following Surge out of all people for some reason

Greetings, what is a VC?

Vote count

Gonna be gone for ten mins. Be back before eod

Hurry, the day is about to end.