Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

Mod aboose caboose?

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if this was in response to me that’s 1. not an answer and 2. wolfy for you to answer my question to someone else

Who is Seth? I’m literally in this for a few days. I’m learning along the way so bear with me. I’m just voting to see how they react. I can also change my vote later. I think I will vote for those who want to vote for someone.

what? No, you don’t sheep anything, I don’t care how new you are. Sheeping is a bad practice that helps us lose in like 9 out of 10 games. You also never clear me or anyone else for being helpful. I feel like it’s the job of the community to pass helpful tips along, but most people do it as either alignment

Was not in response to you, no.

Was following up with this.


Seth is Surge (or whatever he changed it to this month Drybones) he said u were in his mafia server for a bit and talked to you, and like vouched for ya

oh ok

use the reply function :v

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Yes … I was on the server apparently forgotten

Stop being a nerd you nerd. I’m trying my best.

self meta go brrrrr but yeah totes did this as scum a lot to get like townreads, but also do this as town cause i want to help people

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/unvote (Clonedcheese)


It’s worth noting I have my doubts about Geyde including a post limit into a role, but low-posting is NAI for Eevee.

So Kiro how versed are u in mafia? have u played on other sites, have u played Town of Salem, Throne of Lies, One Night Werewolf? Just trying to see where u are and how u learned of our site

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OOG bad


This is a speech pattern of someone that is distinctly not new to the game

plus this

I also kinda wanna suggest PL not for newbie but for hiding something like this under the guise of newbie

tinfoil: eevee just doesn’t want to post that much this game

did he say post limit? thought he said post restriction but memory could be dumb right now for me

I fail to see the difference.

post limit limits posting in number alone, post restriction could be like how many times per hour, or like having to include certain phrases. Its slightly different but they are very similiar

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tbf surge said this like 40 posts before