Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

See ya

…vote was explained, NKA and wagonomics

…yeah sorry for last night, was just pissed at seth

/vote gorta

Now, why do we vote for gorta?

Just said it

Are you actually illliterate


Ok that was mean

If you ask what nka and wagonomics meant i wouldve explained

But you just chose to ask the exact same question i answered in the previous post

Thank you for apologising.

Off for SAT

See you ppl in 2 hrs

Ok so straight up I think theres a good chance its gorta from this post alone. Dude townreads cheese over NKA incriminating himself and does a whole thing talking about idc if u scumread me if I townread you, but then asks afterwards why he scumreads him. So theres two options here ur giving a blanket TR for doing NKA regardless of what said content is and cant even remember it afterwards. Or you straight up just didnt read the NKA but tried appealing to cheese by Townreading him. Yeah this can die

So basically I’m in a unstoppable force and immovable object situation again. As I want eevee dead for lack of anything. But gorta is also like super scummy. Lights main sr. And hasnt stepped up like he said. He has minimal content almost as much as eevee.

@Mistyx and @ChopChop can yall like talk to me and tell me if u think my gorta logic makes sense and should we vote it.

As we got like two votes total and people should like vote so we dont lose by inactivity

/vote gorta @Geyde

does that answer your question

dat what do you think about ami

Like I didnt hate their content day 1 and laughed a few times so I felt rather towny but they been :ghost: since then. It’s like disheartening and making me have doubts on the read from day 1.

Yeah so u think gortas more worth voting over eevee. I’m just like if we keep letting him slide we are just creating a whysper from wym. Like a slot that should be dead, but we keep putting something in front of it at eod.

I think I’m gonna move to gorta. But like I just hate this game as the situation fucking sucks. Like so little people care for it

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I was excited to play at the start but it’s sort of died down because nothing is happening at all

It’s making people so hard to read and no ones giving their reads. Like if we look at proposed lynches we got

Eevee: who reads are ???
Gorta: who trs me and cheese and like scumreads eevee
Silviu: who TRs me and surge and honestly have 0 clue on who they scumread

It’s like feels like we are blind firing

/vote Gorta @Geyde

My heads here. Please let us be right and not let it be eevee

Like this game needs a spark of activity. And I’m hoping this execution does it

Sadly as the day are longers, the passion for us playing this is even shorter