Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

So wait if I’m 5th why am I second on the new list. Are u saying day 5 lynch as 5th?


no no
let me clarify

Never kill: surge, me, eevee


We cant know for sure that’s the problem. Sure gotta stated it but we dont have amis side. Which I was hoping to get but we never did

I think I am able to role check now, even I did mistakes as the role I’ve been given. Now should I really say it?

well I can just add eevee to the top of the order list instead of having them as never kill

either way I don’t want them dead over you or silviu

I was second as I saw gortas reaction. I’m not claiming 100% sole credit for that push because you and light the day before got me thinking that way

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I’m claiming 99% credit

You’re trying to sus me because I didn’t role claim yeah? Now that’s not quite how one should do it…

If u got mech then state it. We could really use it

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Yeah… I don’t know what mech is…

Not true

I’m sussing you based on Vote counts and tone

What? I’m just saying if u got mechanical information like u were just saying do it?

As we saw before, kiro was also going through a behavioral change and it wasn’t them, so I don’t believe it might be like that and also how did my tone change?

mech would be anything the host tells you

so let’s say a detective visited someone and got “mafia”

that would be mech

basically what did you do during the night

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your tone didn’t change

it’s just been lackluster compared to others

Hmm, the host doesn’t need to tell me anything because the results can be visible the next day.

is it just me
or did they just say that they are the scum killer

So basically I’m not really having a good role as of now. I’m Town Arsonist.

What? Can u explain further

Also while ur at it
@eevee u got mech last night cause not rb right. Can u please share with class

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