Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess


/vote windward
w!windward → v!arctic? specifically how they dragged themselves out of fluffpost yeetage with a v read on arctic

my words do not make any sense tonight

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Hot take: Sulit wolf

Wanna expand that?

gorta isnt obvwolfing at least
so thats good ig

Sulit has been voting different people with no reason and asking for someone to sheep and also mostly joking. She can also fake being chill in the thread for d1 at least

Also I’m back

that is a flaming hot take

let the woman die n1

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i hab larg headache and am tired and feel like garbage mentally still
im not in the best headspace to work on this game and probably wont be for tonight in general


Go sleep take care of yourself

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And you think this is never from town?
Enough to wolf read for it alone?

I mean it’s possible

What about the pushs do you dislike then?
If you thought is “it’s possible”

not sure this is an entirely fair line of questioning?
you can easily dislike a push without being polarized towards locktown/lockwolfing them

im pocketing gorta now ez game xp xp


While i want them to say what about the push they dislike.
Forcing them to explain the read pretty much.

fair enough then

It’s not something I am confident on

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Fair enough i guess don’t think am gonna get anything more here in that regard.

Anything else you have thoughts on?


dealing with some OOG stuff and cant do the Focus thing

someone openwolf thaaaaanks <3