Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

I think her posts are weird and not in a katze-weird way. Das basically it.

I also don’t see how her read on me is anything but ‘wait and see’ idk how anyone could garner any sort of serious wolfread on me at that point.

r u guys w/w btw

i feel like every time i check thread its talking about me


Do u think we’d passive-aggressively bitch at each other expressing reasoningless wolfreads and both leave thread cuz the other one is annoying them instead of doing literally anything else?

this isnt even true but its more true than it should be im just tryna play some tts


ybw is probably a villager but we’re still D1ing him i dont care

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i wish app was still here bc i wonuldnt feel as guilty bopping him if hes a villabro

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didnt we do exactly this for the first few days of our last w/w game

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hi gamers


I can’t really remember what we did in turboinv but I think it wasn’t that

I sorta ignored ur slot then townread it

idk i swear we had some stupid dynamics on d1/maybe d2

i know we kinda faked a fight sometime later to pocket our neighbor

btw im not leaving the thread because of you i dont rly care about ur read because imo its clearly fake (this is true regardless of alignment) and ive already pocketed my sister by existing so all reads on me are invalidated and i will probably get NKed eventually

but given our dynamic in every game ever im p sure we’d always fake some sort of fighty bullshit as w/w and i don’t know how much i believe you when you say you’re not sure we wouldn’t

Either way i’m back to precal

I still haven’t seriously gotten into the game yet
I’ve found out what happens when I don’t instantly powervillage SoD1 but I don’t wanna deal with this all game so I’m probably going to do that instead of sleeping cuz i’m not gonna want to deal with the ramifications of low-efforting d1 of a rolemadness

where the wolves be
dont think ybw is one but we probably kill him anyways :flushed:

@Marshal gimme pokemon lady take when back thanx luv u

I’m gonna read who and what I want at my own pace when I do get back


joy cat moment

heeeeeeck you

marshal read ybw and tell me how locktown they are so i can laugh at the fact we’re policying them D1


Let’s see my head doesn’t know but RNG says 13 so could start there

/vote WindwardAway

call me TBE, because counterwagons are kinda :flushed:

and im talking myself out of D1ing YBW, but i still think it’s… kind of the right play, even if it might be wrong… help