Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

also for the most part i think everybody whos been active in thread village reads me independently(?) of the claim

not meeeee

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if i were a desperado i would 120% shoot kat n1

sadly i am not a desperado

i am a despacito and im shooting myself n1

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i think this is a fair assessment but i think itā€™d be
stronger if more people were in the thread since you popped in?

my memory is like
goldfish level rn but the only people i actually remember itt since are me, marshal, sulit, derps, kat, mist
ok wait thats actually quite a few people
but thats not a ton
and i think marshal is villagery and i think sulit is villagery
if derps is a wolf hes prooob not in a good spot there to hop on bc of the scrutiny hes getting
mist did defend katto there mrr

im not sure how sold i am on that considering i read kat as pretty townie up until she (fake) rescinded
and my brain is in a weird place rn

i like this post from you tho

look Iā€™m not saying that katze is 100 percent lock mafia never rescinding Iā€™m just saying that when I get N1ā€™d and you ignore all my reads and vote out half my towncore and let her endgame I get to make fun of you for it

that probably sounds hyperbolic but thatā€™s also basically what happened last time I played on this site so

areteā€™s post dont make me want to throw up and i feel good about them thusfar :triumph:

look im not saying that my brain is oscillating between ā€œi truly donā€™t believe arete thinks this is scum AI of meā€ and ā€œlast time arete tried this hard to debunk a katze they had TMI was fakeclaiming they got owned like a loserā€

and the fact my claim is real makes the former thought stronger because itā€™s annoyin

tfw Iā€™ve been in the game for like an hour and I already have more posts than multiple players


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oh i forgot i started that sentence with ā€œim not sayingā€ i have no followup please dont call that a shroop


nooooooooooooooooooo im outted wolf

so youā€™re oscillating between ā€˜Arete is a wolf or RTing meā€™ and ā€˜Arete is a wolfā€™


Iā€™m confused about this take because even if I were scum (and you were town) I wouldnā€™t have TMI on whether your claim was fake

like I think in that case I would probably still believe it was fake? but I wouldnā€™t Know with Certainty the way I did in Autumn Invitational

i dont even think their posts are that wolfy its just like

i just struggle to believe that they feel this strongly about it as a villager???

its one of those pushes a wolf can make with fairly little backlash when wrong because it has actually legitimate backbone to it

this is not me calling them a wolf because again their posts arent awful and theyā€™re proooobably at the period where you can actually read their posts at an AI level



i mean its clear the read started pre-sub and isnt wolf or town motivated to begin with

but i think their threadread surrounding your claim and lack of movement makes sense from a v perspective?
also liked the marshal iso post when i skimmed it

sorry had to let dog out


this makes me mrrr a lot and I Dont Know Why
it feels like a really weird backwards defense i guess
like a fallback

i think i might need to sleep on things bc im at the point of exhaustion where someone can post ā€˜chloe is a wolfā€™ and iā€™ll sheep it


no fuck it im going full self centered mode this is definitely a >rand W push for arete to still be making because itā€™s easy for them to make with integrity because (in W worlds) they believed it prior to having TMI

im not reading into it any further than this because i am biased

im reading the marshal wallpost, making a read on arete, and ignoring any further pushes they make on my slot for mechanical reasons

this is gamer

i appreciate the gamer energy