Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

I’m back for a bit

Oh right, I just kind of ignored that part since he rescinded later
I don’t think it makes the slot a villager anyway but meh
I have mixed feelings about App/YBW

Jane, got any opinions on Derps yet?

I have Arctic as town and min at null tbh

Apprentice openwolfing analysis

I quoted the posts that felt notable/relevant, there was also some miscellaneous chatter around the time when it happened that I didn’t quote

I’m going to stay away from using this to analyze App’s alignment for now, it’s borderline-gamethrowing regardless of his actual alignment, but I think there’s a lot of potential to use this to analyze other peoples’ alignments


overall thoughts

  • analyzing this is really hard when I don’t know App’s alignment, like there are some posts where my view on what they mean for that person’s alignment is basically the opposite depending on whether App is town or scum
  • I think Marshal is likely V from this, I think she genuinely believed App’s openwolfing from comments like in post 1756 (which means that she’s unlikely to be W/V with App V), and their interactions really don’t look W/W
  • there are a bunch of people who didn’t initially believe the scumclaim, my first thought when I saw the first one was ‘is this a wolf TMIing App V’ but there’s enough of them that I don’t think that really makes sense
  • Eli instantly assuming that it’s an RT because he had thought that App was consensus V is very unlikely to be W/W, since he would probably know that App was in danger if he was a wolf with App
  • kat’s reactions here are super meh particularly if App is a villager, she essentially tries to shut down any consideration that App could possibly be town, it kind of reminds me of how I treated Conroy in Autumn Invitational? like I’m not going to say that wanting to policy App for it is inherently wolfy, I don’t think that’s true, but I do think it’s wolfy to shut down any consideration of the possibility that he could be town (I know kat backed off this read later but it’s still pretty :/)
  • Arctic almost definitely genuinely believed the claim, I think that if App is V he’s unlikely to be a wolf (I think that’s something he’d have a hard time faking convincingly and separately I think he wouldn’t think it was villagery to fake believing in it), if App is W it could go either way

I don’t know how to interpret Arete SRing Kat
Like I don’t necessarily think Arete is wrong, because I also ignored Kat’s claim at the beginning, but I took it as NAI.
Something I’ve noticed in Kat’s reads is that she’s already locked me as a wolf and literally hasn’t given any room for alternatives (unless she’s just not mentioning it, but I get the feeling she just thinks I’m guaranteed to be scum and is mostly ignoring me because of that).

i was trying to be reserved because i didn’t want to look stupid if it was actually an RT but i also didn’t want to be dismissing the entire situation if it actually happened to be real

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it looked convincing ¯_(ツ)_/¯

it was more a case of me not believing it at first and then trying to handle it in a useful way if did turn out to be real and then that subconsciously started making me think it was real esp when he didn’t rescind after marshal asked him to


how did you choose these four players?

have they given much of an explanation
because yeah i’ve just seen “this is obvwolf” but i may have missed some other stuff

She said my town and wolf games are very polarized and people just don’t notice
I don’t remember any more specifics tbh

@Arete what do you think about the take of App / Kat being w/w?

oh yeah i remember this
@katze elaboratee when are you awakee

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i brought it up earlier and she deflected the conversation back on to suspecting me rather than answering


They are literally the only ones who did not vote at the time.

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can you quote the case for me

I’m still not all the way caught up

there’s not really a case just kinda a vibe from the posts you quoted

like look at kat’s posts from the perspective of w!kat with his scummate outing as wolf at l-3

the more app makes it clear it’s not an RT the harder kat goes in for the push

but with ybw subbed in and actually trying katze’s lenience for the slot increased by like 100%

yeah this is uh
this is something