Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

im sunk cost fallacy on w!marl

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making your lvl0 read harder to understand by using big words isnt it


/vote EliThePsycho

Weā€™ll see how i feel about this

cinq minutes!!

did you guys ever notice how Casual Conversation implies the existence of ranked competitive conversation


i bet id be good at that

ā€¦yep, that sounds like katze alright.

i get it

also eli that joat comment was extremely funny even if it wasnā€™t intended

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Still get villavibes from Eli

Donā€™t really have a reason

Just vibesā„¢

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how long has this been a thing
didnā€™t you townread me day 1

i wish i could say itw as a joke or an RT

wrong reply

Signal boosting

Signal boosting

Signal boosting

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what do i do with it

still feel like garbage time to slink out of thread

By the way @WindwardAway, thanks for the pep talk.
I canā€™t say I will do well in reality, but I will at least try to do my best.

Go read uh
The post below OP i think
The one that talks about darkvotes and sheep

It has everything u need

now that thread is slightly calm I am going to go re-read because I comprehended nothing