Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

Actually, I’m pretty sure it’s Wind making an analogy to Umineko, where he was wolfread for just that. Comparing that sort of stupid reasoning to herself getting townread for wallposting.

Especially because these were gortas only posts at the time of that post.

Its indirectly defending him from scumreads and in no way is this:

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but ure looking at the actions not how and why

It’s responding to katze’s v read

I’m not saying Marshal is making a correct conclusion. I’m saying you’re reading her post wrong.

I think gorta is still probably just a villager.

Wind was defending gorta from something that wasn’t happening.

We don’t think it’s spewing either way.

I am looking at how and why!

It’s a direct reply to this post, as well.

Okay explain it in baby terms for me


Ok maybe i should be done with fm for the day

Wait, call me a villager before you go :flushed:

I can do it


Well I am not any of those villagers! The reason why I said my abilities don’t do anything is because they are Passives: I can’t do anything with them, so they don’t do anything!

I already explained how claiming is NEVER beneficial unless you are lying with some agenda.
I tried to hint Marl that I am a Protective in P#3572, but now that I claimed that my abilities are Passive, scum knows that they don’t have to bother thinking about me when it comes to faction kill.

FFS! Why does nobody understand me!?

Kat is a villager



Kat isn’t a villager yet

Post 750 feels like years ago

ok now that ive posted in a way to piss off chloe specifically to get towncred back

i have redchecks on everybody