Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

what the fuck atnoname is in this game?

@DatBird can you uh
edit the op if they subbed in?

ATNo subbed in for YBW who subbed in for App

oh jesus

arete should i fullclaim y/n

feeling cute, might do something stupid

take a page out of my book
getting miselimed if youā€™re town is way more embarassing than biting a potential anticlaim that we donā€™t know for certain if it exists or not

marl ive been miselimmed (in full length games) like, literally twice ever, and both made me incredibly unhappy

thereā€™s a reason it doesnt happen anymore :^)

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OP is Updated with new threadmarks, people dead/alive, and replacements


im sorry

im not going to lie a lot of my basis for that is from what iā€™ve heard other people say and i just assumed it to be true

im sorry for offending you

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you probably didnā€™t realize it irritated me when saying it so you dont need to apologize

woah woah woah


bro are we reading the same game


I mean a fullclaim that was actually a hardclaim ?might? out you as scum if you are scum

but I mightā€™ve slipped enough about my claim for you to avoid that?

the dumb-but-maybe-plus-EV thing to do would to have us both type our claims and post them at the same time so that itā€™s provable that neither of us changed our claim in response to the others

arete just say yes it isnā€™t a real claim its a fucking meme


yes katze, you should fullclaim

kat isnā€™t getting miselimed tho

not while im alive at least

wolves please get me out of this game

a wolf getting yeeted isnā€™t a miselim

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kat isnt a fucking wolf

i do think itā€™s +EV to resolve derps today though so maybe this can wait till tomorrow but i want protections on arete if we do



As a part of the UPick Pass, Katze Pack 1 introduces katze from Forum of Lies! With her cunning moves and knack for knives, opponents will fall victim to katzesā€™ masterful manipulation.

For her primary ability, she wields a gun. To shoot continuously, press and hold the buttons, or repeatedly spam actions. While shooting, she can also dodge forward, backward, or in mid-air!

Her second ability fires a grappling hook. It can be aimed at a diagonal angle on the playerlist. Or you can use it to pull opponents closerā€¦ and latch onto players.

Her third ability invokes joycrab with a mere fingersnap. The initial snap isnā€™t very strong, but it does inflict additional darkvotes over time.

And know this, these are not even their final forms. The full power of these abilities must be unleashed.

The trick? Her fourth ability, Chloeā€™s Guard. katzeā€™s Furry Gauge builds up slowly over time, when she gets voted by a player, or when sheā€™s behind in terms of threadstate or lives. And by using Chloeā€™s Guard, she can fill the gauge faster while reducing any votes taken by half. If she evokes and cries while Chloe is activated, she can even defend from CFDs. When she releases the button, her voters will be knocked back.

Once her Furry Gauge is full, sheā€™ll unmask, and summon a manifestation of her Fursona, :joy_cat:. Until the Gauge runs out, :joy_cat: will assist katze in a powerful way. With her fursona at her side, katze can deal additional emotional damage with each vote, and beyond that, her abilities change.

Her primary ability upgrades to Gun Special. It handles the same as before, only now, sheā€™ll fire three bullets per shot.

Her second ability transforms into Wing of Joy. Using :joy_cat:s wings, sheā€™ll swiftfully rise up (against society). While this doesnā€™t deal damage, it will make her invincible for a time, so have a safe flight!

For her third ability, :joy_cat: invokes transcrab. This large crab repeatedly stabs opponents, inflicting them with long lasting additional darkvotes.

Her fourth ability performs one of two defenses, each triggering automatically. For votes, sheā€™ll counter with Chloe. Attacks can be deflected with Makarakarn. Oh, by the way, :joy_cat: is completely invincible!

And then thereā€™s katzeā€™s Final Copypasta, All-Out Joy_tack. After cutting through foes, sheā€™ll launch a coordinated strike with the Pocketed Villagers of UPick. In case the first vote didnā€™t cut it, she can try once more by posting a :pleading_face: in thread.

:joy_cat: doesnā€™t change katzeā€™s Final Copypasta, so sheā€™s free to use it whenever she wants!

Katzeā€™s post-game victory speech replicates the one in Short Fuse 5. The Pocketed Villagers of UPick have something to say about her victory, too! When Katze taunts, Litten shows up! Her alternate costume is a maid outfit. Good thing she can use her skirt to summon :joy_cat:!

iā€™ve spent the past like 10 minutes writing this

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