Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

brain noises says ‘what if the reason I disagree with like all of Marshal’s reads is that she’s a wolf’

but I’m pretty sure this is dumb

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Other than that is their anything?


I think someone had a meta take

but I think that someone might have been katze and I don’t trust katze

Katze is fine

jane isnt in the PoE because they have no reason to bus windward in the way they did if they were w/w

given that windward was more actively engaged and also KP

so the other way around makes more sense if anything



I’m gonna Go see if I can manage to figure any wagonomics out

I’m bad at it so no promises


what do the colors mean marshal


i also said it was a shitty meta take because all of their games are non recent and they have significantly less bark in this game than in any of their town or scum games

but go off


So I just read EoD and I don’t think the wind vote is all that clearing for Jane.

can you

explain your reads

Like atm

I really just struggle seeing


ever being wolves


Is hard to find a wolf in!!! I think it’s just pure asf…!!!

Who then, is left.

Jane… I guess lol. Nothing super special but wind vote looks fine enough?
Zone I can see

Centuries… I guess is possible ???. But min’s anger at arctic is suuuper villagery because it’s anger at hipocrisy. It’s not CFTRW (caught for the wrong reasons for those uninformed). It’s anger at how nobody is listening to them. The indgnation throughout their posts gives off the opposite effect to a wolf who knows the person pushing them is right. Everything points to a villager compleeeeeetely tilted out of the world that they’re being pushed and the person isn’t giving any real reason to push their points.

AT Is I suppose possible. YBW’s posts were uninspiring (I gutread them v tbh but I know that’s meaningless). I’ve squeezed all I can out of app’s iso, I still think it’s villagery but I could see why it wouldn’t be.

Arete… egh. I don’t like a lot of their pushes, and I can’t call them truly obviously town just by their posts. But the mech stuff and softing is a good look that idk if is fakeable across slots, and I can realistically see their posting being just from a villager. It’s a maybe.

Sulit… argh I guess. Could be CFTWR-y. I think her/minturies has a wolf. They’ve sort of avoided each other in a weird-ish way, exactly the way I felt in m15’er when centuries was a wolf. She hasn’t really talked about or to him from my memory. Relatively likely I guess but I have a lot of pause when I read her posts @ me.

So, like.

I can see zone, you, and jane as wolves, straight up. Nothing in any of your isos or wind’s iso tells me otherwise.

Sulit as next likeliest but still given a lot of pause
AT/Arete/Centuries I can’t put in core or strong leans but I have serious pause towards each of the slots bein mafia?

Gorta and katze are straight up villagers. Don’t touch either until the final five.

Night looks good from wind ISO, has an ability that makes ~no sense with wind’s abil as w/w, had a good reaction to my missed ability, and is hard vouched for by mist.
Marl is unfortunately probably just a villager. Prob the lowest in my ‘Prob just pure’ core, but he’s had a realistically very villagery game and I wholeheartedly believe that he thinks he’s obviously villager.
Mist looks great. Her constant complaining about feeling ootl with thread and way she’s put across her reads is just good imo. I can’t say ‘pokemon lady lock clear’ but pokemon lady is pretty damn near close.
Eli has done so significantly more than I remember from his wolf game ever being, and he juuuust had a wolf game where he was much worse than here (AND believed that he broke his meta, which gives me no indication he’d kick it up 10x in the reads department randin wolf here). There are subtleties in his game that are just villagery.
And chloe. Ohhh chloe. I think her early game is good. I think her reaction to my push is good. Great even. It’s not appealing to me, it’s directly telling me to fuck off right back to where I came from, made by someone who I have every reason to believe knows they are a villager. She’s extremely vouched for by katze, someone who I’m reallllllllllllly reallllly feeling as a villager.

So, like

My reads would be structured as







I’m struggling to see where I am/can be wrong. When I think i’d need a lot of convincing to reach into and kill my upper PoE, Even if I realistically think there is plausibly a wolf in here.

hot take
this isnt very likely to be how a wolf makes reads

this is showing that I’m not dead! I’m just mostly dead


These are the joycat colors.

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look i know i said this before

but i’m willing to lose the game on chloe v

guess i dont exist


I still think the people clearing me has a big possibility of containing wolves

I had to go to the bathroom and got caught up with family stuff, but I think I’m going to order pizza and be back in like 2-4 hours

Arete I want you to look me directly in the eyes

I think katze is very, VERY likely to be a villager. 0 Mechanics involved. You’ve thrown her name out a ton. It’s based off of silly mechanical stuff that honestly you should be putting little to no stock in. It’s lazy

I’m confident as hell that katze is a villager. Challenge me. Don’t just be throwing this stuff around.