Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

Sure. I’ll take it.

  • Purely because of one mindmeld, Chloe is locktown. Never rescinding.
  • Everyone who voted Windward (i.e. Jane, sulit, Mistyx, Marluxion) are town, and anyone who disagrees (i.e. ATNoName, Conroy) are the people whom I scumread.
  • If there is actually a scum in Wind’s wagon, it’s probably Marl. I already explained how I couldn’t understand his reason to vote Wind over his scumread that was Derps and Mist.
  • I don’t like Jane for making me claim even after I said it wouldn’t ever be beneficial, but as Arete said he’s probably town. My talk with Mist made me realize that Jane actually tunneled Wind ever since mid-D1, which I doubt comes from scum.
  • I don’t bother reading Night given her unsteady mentality. I’ll just take Chloe’s word for it and townlean / townread her.
  • I don’t like Arete. It’s a personal bias. Ignoring their tone, they were the one who made EOD1 a tie and I simply don’t like it. They said they voted me because they trust Marshal, and I don’t trust the gal who wanted me dead solely because nobody can read me. Arete’s reasoning just sounds BS IMO.
  • gorta is a blank canvas. From what I see, they did absolutely nothing. I have yet to get any response about their reasoning on their reads. (If they exist, then gorta didn’t tag me, and I skipped them over.) I disagree with whatever metaread people have on him.
  • Despite being more interesting than katze, I am actually ignoring you both because I have yet to see any sorts of reads coming from you two. --well, I actually saw katze’s reads and they were so generic / understandable that I didn’t bother asking any questions.
  • That’s pretty much everyone. I don’t remember anything from Eli, which makes him effectively worse than gorta who’s already a blank canvas.
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i ordered my favorite wings from the same restaurant i usually do, but a different location than normal

and they’re godawful

today sucks):<

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FTR @Arete, my read on you is null, and I only find your “defense” of voting me BS.
I haven’t read anything else about you.

can you take another look at gorta
im unsure exactly why other people read him as town but i can say that the things i personally find townie are:

  • his confidence in being able to read derps (prooobably NAI but i just vibe with it. it feels pure)
  • his conviction when pushing sulit (yesterday as well) - someone who was simply accepted as a villager by the mass majority
  • the way hes solving the game around how people are treating his slot in specific, similarly to you. he said people should be weary of those who are clearing him super easily, and is telling people not to read him off of postcount or the fact that hes making actual reads. its like hes in his own world when hes in the thread
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I’m getting too way bored to play FM sometimes. I originally wanted to play this game via working with people (also because trying to find scum is a tedious task for me and attempting to take a shortcut at it sacrifice read accuracy). Considering nobody is going to bother talking to me even with my response. I’m gonna say goodbye. If you want to talk, ping me.

Well, if I have to say anything, I’d probably shot myself in the foot by not reading D1 and early D2.

I will ISO gorta, but before I do that I will tell you my opinions on all your points you gave me about gorta:

His “soulread” on Derps is NAI. It may feel pure, but ultimately it doesn’t tell me whether Derps or gorta is town or scum.

If Derps flips town, then gorta is right, but what does that tell me about gorta?
If Derps flips scum, then gorta is wrong and his “accuracy” decreases, but wouldn’t that imply that the accuracy was never reliable to begin with?

If gorta flips town, does this mean that everyone is forced to townread Derps in honor of his townread?
If gorta flips scum, was the “soulread” just him replicating his town meta?

All I ask for, is his reasoning. --and unless he didn’t tag me when he made it, I did not find any post (yet) where gorta explains why X is town and Y is scum. (Aside from his scumread on you, that is.) ​

I townread sulit. If you tell me that gorta is town, then his conviction is that of a VI tunneling a town.

The point where gorta is wary about people TR’ing him too easily is actually the one point I understand as to why people would TR gorta.

I’m not saying you’re wrong that nobody is talking to you, but it doesn’t look like you’re making a genuine attempt to engage with the thread
Can’t blame everyone else for not pinging you and asking you specific things, when people are focused elsewhere
You can at least give your thoughts on current events - or just your thoughts in general. You’re allowed to do so without being prompted or called on


can you explain what you mean here, bc i dont understand what youre trying to say

also whats your read on derps

Yeah, I got something to say:

If you got time to be bored, then why don’t you just use that time to read D1 and SOD2 instead of moping about it? In my case, I am actively moping about something I can’t fix (i.e. my behavior and Marshal’s scumread), but in your case all you have to do is read.

Oh that’s a lot

I’m back


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I’ll wait until he gives you his reasoning then, as that would make things much more believable
But the tone and the way he states his confidence in Derps doesnt feel like hes trying to grab cred for after Derps flips v, or like hes trying to save a buddy. The feeling I get when I read those posts is more of a ‘what the fuck are you guys doing, derps is a villager.’ idk it feels genuine, but i understand why you arent townreading that - as he’d express the same ‘godread’ regardless of alignment

Doesn’t matter
Villagers can be wrong
but I believe that he believes in his push

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I mean

you didn’t ask why I voted Derps, you asked why I voted you

…admittedly my reasoning for voting Derps is really dumb with the hindsight of Wind flipping scum


I mean any talk about my slot is via reading App. I’m pretty sure nobody has made an attempt to read me specifically (with the exception of Zone).

Altho oddly enough, I find myself agreeing with most and maybe all of the points eventho there has to be a wolf somewhere within this game.

typed CFTWR because it was the only thing that pinged me as odd (like how do you manage to come up with that) and to this end, I got no response. Then I accidentally pressed something that resulted in me replying.

Meh, you could blame me for not reading. If only I can fix anything I see going over my head. Well, we all have a weakness.

If you want my read on you in specific it boils down to null, as i dont feel like you have enough content to swing me in either direction
However, I did dislike that you were trying to lower the validity of my earlier ‘Derps and ATN are the same alignment’ take by calling it a tinfoil and telling me im not confident in it
You didn’t even give a take on Derps you just attacked the strength of my read lol

Okay to be fair if i didnt understand what your post was saying, then Marshal probably didnt either
@Marshal can you explain your CFTWR reads

I’m not giving a take on anyone this game, especially given the fact I have to deal with whatever my previous slot holder has done. I know that I’m town and idk about Derp’s alignment. Saying that we are the same alignment in FMPOV sounds more like you saying w/w more rather than v/v.


If you refuse to give takes on anyone then you can’t be mad at people for not interacting with you. Simple as that.
Contribute or don’t complain image

You can disagree with my take but rather than attacking the strength of it and making it seem less valid, you should actually give a read on Derps and explain why you think its false


…wait, what was your reason to undo your vote on me and go back to Derps’ wagon?
I thought you were satisfied with Marshal’s 7-score scumread on me?

Dunno if the second sentence was meant as sarcasm or not, but fair enough.

Unironically think AT might be a wolf who’s just given up