Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

Why scum

(you have time 2 explain dis one)

Oh. That actually makes gorta more town since his point now makes sense; it is indeed -EV to have vig shoot your townreads.

Ah, btw this shouldā€™ve been P#5410.

Okay. Hey, do you want to join ATNoNameā€™s wagon instead of voting Marl?

Windā€™s ISO:

Wind's post

If I have to say anything about my experience with wolf!wind. Itā€™s that they have the same problem with me being that they struggle with deciding what to do with TMI. I think Windā€™s push on Derps is very opportunistic and a way to stall a very suspicious slot simply because she didnā€™t hesitate to push App while he was still not replaced and then suddenly flipping a 180 and saying they shouldnā€™t yeet a replacement. Thatā€™s what I think regarding Windā€™s treatment of my slot.

Everyone else is townier

Who isnā€™t townier.

(AKA whatā€™s your PoE)

I will get back to you I am watching a show with my mom

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yeah but then i stopped

Iā€™m going to do ISOs on misty/eli/marl/night, my ā€˜these are just a villager but poooossssibly notā€™ tier

With the goal of moving them up if possible

thatā€™s my task for the next howevermany hours, may take a while.

someone tell me who to iso thats relevant so i can do stuff while not doing stuff

Derps (counterwagon from yesterday)
Marl (poisoned :upside_down_face:)
AppYBWname (contentious openwolf slot)
Jane (pick this one if you want to be lazy and just Iso the living player with the fewest posts across all slots)

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Chloe (Wind spew)
Katze (confident chloe read)

gorta (everyone just seems confident heā€™s town so shrug)
Eli (also read leach :joy_cat: if live later game look back at iso because i feel like some of the ways he interpreted posts were kind of weird like he wasnā€™t actually thinking through his reads? sulit bad at explain)

Zone (in town meta, havenā€™t been pinged, seems fine, not enough to move up tho, if marshal flip wolf id say townier)
Night (havenā€™t really paid much attention to night since they pinged me d1, poison claim seemed towny and leeching read off what other people have said in thread about them)
Mist (honestly I donā€™t rememeber Mist that much and I want to iso them to get a more confident read but im tired and already did marshal. here for their Wind vote mostly.

Jane (Wind vote keeps out of direct POE, havenā€™t done anything I remember as specifically villagery or wofly)
Marl (Wind vote keeps them out of direct POE, Marl hasnā€™t done anything that specifically pings me but I feel like as village I just, notice Marl more? He doesnā€™t seem to have the same sort of spark.)
ATNoName (I still think the Apprentice openwolf thing was towny, but theres not much else the slot has done to move them out of here)

Marshal (Ok, so I went through Marshalā€™s iso just now and I pulled a bunch of quotes. Realistically, Marshlalā€™s wolfgame is really good and I donā€™t know why poeple are giving her such easy clears, especially Chloe considering she seems more scared of Derpā€™s wolfgame than Marshals? No offense Derps. I found thingz that could be potentially wolfy, but Iā€™d really like Derpā€™s flip to be able to solve Marshal because if it flips scum Iā€™ll be way less concerned. However it feels like marshal is like, oppurtunistically dropping people in her POE or not reading people in order to be able to push them later on. Her read flip on me felt weird and her Zone push eod also felt weird given there was like, no explanation behind it whatsoever. Also, her treatment of Wind D1 was kinda SUS bro, she never commmited to a read on Wind and she never really mentioned Wind much at all. Addionally her min read feels kinda weird? I donā€™t think min got mad enough for her to clear her for it, and i swear i remmeber min getting just as angry as wolf. Wolf Derp flip - leave alone for a bit probably, town Derp flip - look into harder. )
Derps (I think Wind spew is towny and I townread him D1, but I trust Marshalā€™s judgement on the slot if heā€™s town and I think the flip would be helpful overall
arete (just not townier than everyone else, I feel like these reads frusterate people but I just havenā€™t seen anything from either arete or TL to move them above anyone higher)
minturies (same as above)

I feel inherently unhappy with this list but i already made it and dont feel like moving stuff around :joy_cat:

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Iā€™m having a hard time understanding the relative position of sulitā€™s reads (as in, Iā€™m having a hard time understanding why she would consider [a] a stronger reason to townread [A] than [b] a reason to townread [B], for ā€¦ a lot of the people on her list)

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like as an example

I know Iā€™m probably biased but I feel like if you havenā€™t seen anything from me thatā€™s townier than ā€˜literal openwolvingā€™ then ā€¦ you are doing something wrong ā€¦

and Iā€™d apply that to probably all of the people she has as below AppYBWName? like even before I factor in YBW/ATNoā€™s play, like:

Marshalā€™s been falling for me based just on how differently we see the game but Iā€™ve found the moments of villageriness that I did see from her to be more villagery than ā€˜literal openwolvingā€™

I think ā€˜the dead wolf spent basically the second half of yesterday trying as hard as possible to kill herā€™ is townier than ā€˜they openwolvedā€™

I thought his response to katā€™s claim was super villagery, definitely moreso than, again, ā€˜literal openwolvingā€™

now a lot of that can boil down to ā€˜sulit thinks the openwolving was townier than I do/sulit applies less weight to the relative lack of presence or content from YBW/ATNoā€™

but itā€™s not just that read

her 2/3/4 are all based around sheeping other people, 2 I can sort of understand if you start from the assumption that Chloe has a soulread, but 3 is semi-disputed and 4 is ā€¦ even more disputed than 3? and also, that would suggest that sheā€™s less confident in her second-strongest non-sheeping reason to clear someone than in three reads that are just sheeping, which seems weird to me?

I donā€™t know

maybe Iā€™m overthinking it but the mindset behind this post doesnā€™t really make sense to me

i dont even get bold smh

this is discrimination

I think arete is mildly misrepresenting apprenticeā€™s posting

that is a true statement yes


because ā€œI feel like if you havenā€™t seen anything from me thatā€™s townier than ā€˜literal openwolvingā€™ then ā€¦ you are doing something wrong ā€¦ā€ sounds better than ā€œI feel like if you havenā€™t seen anything from me thatā€™s townier than ā€˜openwolfing, then talking about how you wish you could have solved from spec chatā€™ then ā€¦ you are doing something wrong ā€¦ā€ and I think that even accounting for the fact that what App did was more nuanced than ā€˜literal openwolfingā€™ Iā€™m more confident in all the people I quoted being town than I am in App being town

i know this is super self-centered but am i really your highest townread only because of wind spew? :sob:

iā€™ll read/comment on everything else in a bit i need to stop opening the thread aa

Idk, representing a slot based on a gamethrowing villager is pretty not based.