Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess


Oh damn true

Marl is a villager
Mist is a villager
Night is a villager
Katze is a villager

^^ i think there are ZERO packwolves above this line. Zip. Zero. Nada.

Zone likely villager
Jane likely villager

Sulit probs villager but make her step it up

Marshal probs villager but brain go brr a LOT

If derps is a villager, marshalā€™s scum equity rises by about 500%
Marshal/zone not w/w

Donā€™t you dumb cat.

I will unironically deathtunnel you tomorrow if you end up voting yourself at EoD twice.

Parry this

if i told you it was mechanically optimal for my role would you believe me


not at all

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Iā€™ve given my peice. Done everything I can. Put in my all to find the wolves and identify the villagers. If iā€™m wrong, so be it, thatā€™s on me, Iā€™ll figure out what I did wrong and not do it next time. If I die, I know iā€™ve fought tooth and nail to stay in this game and get people off of me. If my words still havenā€™t convinced them, then nothing I could have said would.

Iā€™m going to close the thread and enjoy my afternoon. If I get killed today, you all better straighten up, work together, and actually take out wolves instead of flip-flopping on towncore every 4 seconds. Marl, you especially, youā€™re a bright mind but goddamn boy you need to get your head in the game and straighten up. You canā€™t keep doing this stuff. Chloe, sorry if what iā€™ve said offended you, but you too will need to have long hard talks with katze about who the town and mafia are. Youā€™re going to be alive tommorow unless wolves have a strongman, no point in hiding it post my flip, so youā€™ll have at least a day to redeem yourself.

Iā€™d rather not die, you know. But Iā€™ve done everything I can to make that not happen and anything else will fall on deaf ears. Iā€™ve done my part.

And no, this isnā€™t a copypasta. And if you copypaste this post to make fun of me, youā€™re a douchebag.

Good luck. Kill the wolves. Donā€™t kill the villagers. Etc, etc.


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Donā€™t kill my sister tomorrow please love you guys

ngl most of the reason i want to lynch you is because of your predcessors
you havent done much to improve

/vote SDAL @DatBird

marl nooo
derps needs to be CW not main wagon :frowning:

exactly, youā€™re not fighting evenly, you are even lazier than I am.


whatā€™s that supposed to mean

Dark votes donā€™t persist overnight

alright who wants an actual hero CFD


wait i have no hero CFDs

this is boring

ill wait for votecount to vote so i dont hammer or anything :pleading_face:


Oh goddamnit

I was right about something

