Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess


I actually think my role might be minor townpoints for Marshal

veryveryvery minor though because having her be a ~godfather to it is the sort of messing-with-mechanics I can easily see Luna doing


this is

a read they fully believe in

and there is plenty of precedence for them using it in the past

2 bad loser

anyway im not reading all of that im just gonna say sulit is obviously [alignment] from it and that i am strongly [convinced/unconvinced] that marshal is [alignment] as a result of said post

time to play bloons bye

am i the only one currently considering wolf!nightingale

mist dont answer

i definitely am not

no, iam too


genuinely annoyed by this

ill read it later



take care of grace for me

i think publicly outing she poisoned me should net her a total of 0 towncred for openly outing she put kp on town

with my claim if it never got outed it would just be useless with my role because it would have obviously came from scum

I wish I had the gladiator because I wanna settle me v derps the old fashioned way

Derps / Night i can see as two scum
and one deepwolf somewhere

However what i swapped to was objectively better so yah

The only person who I think has genuinely nothing going for them is derps.

Everyone else has SOMETHING in their favor

Derps is juust mafia!!!

fuck it

Unsirs your derpsalot

if this game goes to lylo it will exceed shortnight 2 in posts

what does nightingale have going for her

@SirDerpsAlot you should probably full claim

ill keep myself and chloe alive for lylo so we can both 5000 post