Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

None atm
I think marshal’s alignment is highly in flux depending on if derps is a wolf or village

@SirDerpsAlot you need to work your ass off today if you are town

I do thing sulit is town though currently

I haven’t seen her wolf so I don’t know her wolfrange

I’m gonna be counting on her sisters for that

i didnt read it

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katze make useful post
people no read
katze back shitpost?

@Chloe you prob interested in this i guess
@marshal if ur a wolf u can see how pocketed i am :flushed:

i sort of feel unsatisfied dying before learning if i was right about marl or derps
so thats
i guess?

I thought you just highlighted sulits posts in colors that I wasn’t able to decipher

you actually wrote things

I read things

thanks for those things, I guess?

FTR I did believe that you should be nullreading my earlygame. I had given no actual content and made it clear I was busy and not actually reading into the game yet and I was a bit sour at the fact that you still cliamed a wolfread on me

night please

marshal is super confident in derps being a wolf and derps is super confident in marshal being a villager and brain go ???

derps’ posting has been subpar and honestly super easy to forget, but wind spew is just
a reaaaally good look broski? like im really confident on derps and atn being the same alignment and its hard to sway me from that position

do i need to re-read wind iso

i think the wall has some truths in it tbf
marshal is absolutely 10000% pocketing me and appealing to me, for one
and i thought her progression on you was a little wack. the conclusion she came to was correct imo but i didnt see the steps i usually do along the way - where she pokes and prods at you and annoys the living hell out of you. same with her treatment of my slot.
i also feel mega tempted to v-read sulit for this but theres no followthrough yet and i wanna see that
i feel like she did this in shortnight 2 lol
i can see her cogs turnin
i believe she believes what she wrote

convince me

brain isnt all here rn sorry guys

I’m back


Marl - Got suuuuuper pissed beyond belief at being pushed, not hyper clearing but his reaction to katze’s test and the pushes on him are, like, good

Night - Tbh after reading her ISO i think she’s very likely just a villager, mist shield + her thought processes are very traceable

Gorta - Wrote on this earlier

Mist - wrote on this earlier

Jane - realistically only the mist sheild but I put stock in it.

Zone - Could be mafya I guess, but lots of sheilding on meta that I realistically can’t refute

Chloe - Gay

Marshal - Gay

Katze - Gay

PKR - Mehhhhhhhhh the slot sorta sucked, but min’s anger is still pretty villagery imo, and cent had a few good moments such as his frustration with people ignoring his gorta read.

Arete - Decent mech stuff, arete’s posting isn’t consistently horrible, some decent moments

sulit - Wall was realistically p villagery, anger earlier was realistically pretty villagery, she’s not like omegawolfy even if I dislike that she’s just tunneling me

Derps not voting me EoD is… :flushed:, but realistically if I die derps is absolutely fucked and eli probably becomes a lot harder to ML, so I see where w!derps choses me to die

can you go into more detail about this

i appreciate the sanity check but now its just making the brain tinfoil w/w

why am I on a list of good sulit readers

something something mason claim haha

rip the town

where be Chloe?

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already removed

oh ok

today I want to focus on ISOing more people

feeling cute might randomly tinfoil arete idk

id like to think after a traumatizing experience such as that you’d probably learn to fix your ways or never try again

you’ve clearly not done the latter