Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

this is weird because my rolecard says ‘Mafoa Lost Wolf’ but i guess that’s just spanish for ‘Town Spellbook’

I’ve been coming around to the possibility that katze could be a villager

tbh part of that was ‘all the people in your PoE are people I think or know are villagers’

but that might partially be because … there are a lot of people that I kind of think are villagers

whats changed

have my two pocketed companions finally talked sense into you :pleading_face:

Not like I’m refusing but like
I can’t
It’s just brainthoughts
That one specific post pings me so bad from it’s timing

I think I’ve been pretty open about how my read on you has evolved

Also hi I am a failure at sleep

oops i think i misread my role card

it says lost wolf instead of town

my bad

okay braining time uhhh
i just need to organize my thoughts!!!
im sorry!!!

w!Marshal preflip - pls dont be mad at me my thoughts are jumbled my brain is amess akudwjwa

In a w!Marshal world:

Derps/Marshal d1 interaction was very not-w/w
Marshal attempted a CFD onto Zone at EoD, and Zone came into d2 with the fury of a thousand suns wanting to bonk Marshal - probably not w/w
Marshal has been going at Arete for 10,000 years and their interactions just aren’t w/w
Marshal would be pocketin’ katto and i also think katto isnt a wolf - likely not w/w imoimo
sulit’s frustration towards Marshal feels incredibly pure, and i believe she believes in her latest wall - prooooobably not w/w

Leaves a partner pool of:
Night, Jane, Mist, Marl, Gorta, Min

In the world where Marshal is a wolf, that means Derps is very very likely a villager
So we would have had W/V wagons. Wolves likely don’t go for the bus there with little to no reason, and also Wind was a pretty strong role??? Meaning at least one wolf likely piled onto the Derps wagon in an attempt to save Wind
Zone and Arete I don’t believe can be partnered with Marshal, so this would leave… exactly Night. Yet Night is still someone I currently townlean from her claim, and also a bit of mist sponging. Regardless - potential partner pool.

Marshal preflip VC

The potential for the Wind wagon to be pure is high, but Marshal voting offwagon makes me inclined to believe her partners actually had some control of the EoD situation? Maybe? This does make it more likely for Night to be a wolf, and I think it makes it less likely for Jane to be one, since Jane was first on the Wind wagon and also pointed out that Derps was a likely ML.

Leaves Mist, Marl, Gorta, and Min
I think in the world where Marshal is a wolf, she TMI’d Gorta town. Her first read coming into d1 after hiatus was Gorta has her top town for… little-to-no reason and it struck me as odd. There isn’t a shit ton of progression into a townread like you’d expect on a partner, so im inclined to believe they wouldnt be w/w? still possible but ehhhh

This leaves Mist, Marl, and Min
I don’t fully know how to narrow this list down much more with my brain in the state its in (im super tired and also in class, sorry)

Purely socially I think Marl is the villageriest of the 3
thats where my brain stops

i’ll probably do this again for derps in a little while


i really only remember V!katze worlds from you being from sheeping chloe/marshal or from marshal TMIing me V lol

more seriously

‘lol Arete do you really think you’re better at reading katze than Chloe is???’

‘Chloe can be wrong though’

‘okay but she’s really confident, also Marshal agrees with her’

‘Marshal’s probably a wolf though’

‘okay but the way she’s defending katze doesn’t feel W/W, it seems more TMIing her V, so EITHER Chloe who is probably town and villa!Marshal are both clearing katze or Marshal is TMIing her V’


‘if their reads are so good, why aren’t they dead, hm???’

‘we aren’t dead either’

‘also Marshal’s point about katze’s bitchiness is probably just correct?’

…I guess maybe I haven’t been super transparent about most of this

I mean fair

…and still true



if you were a wolf who would you kill last night

im having a hard time seeing ATN as anything but the Arctic shot but i legit dont know who woulda been bonked last night
and i do think its possible for ATN to have been the factional for 2 reasons:

  • If Derps is a wolf, hes even more cleared now bc of the V/V or W/W dichotomy from Wind’s ISO
  • They fear the SHEEP

but idk lol, i think its less likely

the 2 people i think who were ‘consensus’ ‘townread’ at EoD were… me and marl?
marl was poisoned so you dont bonk there
but marshal pretty blatantly put a doc on me in the thread. if marshal is a wolf she doesnt attack me bc of that, most likely, and if marshal is a villager… unless wolves are bananas and/or thought marshal was faking it, they probably dont attack me???

i personally didnt save anyone! :joy_cat:

for people thinking W!Marshal/V!Derps worlds

why does marshal tunnel zone at EoD instead of voting derps which she has progression for

for people thinking V!Marshal/W!Derps worlds


i dont know i cant think of anything

“marshal was faking it” is… very reasonable thought imo tbh

is speculating on this gunna help anything? probably not

but brain is braining
i cant stop it

in w!Derps worlds, he was likely a planned bus considering i dont think he/marshal are w/w and marshal attempted the zone CFD yet nobody followed

and wind’s vote placement suggests that as well

||i am colorblind and cannot read athis||




itsnotfor min tho
and min didn’t even get that angry
she is
overexaggerating the angryness
in a way that makes me think they could be w/w

okay !!!
other points stand still

I don’t really care about actually trying to save Wind, its just the avoidance that pinged me

like he was specifically commiting to a nulll read and avoiding commiting to the read on wind

i guess the derps stuff makes sense

but i secretly have a tinfoil they’re w/w

the amount of times he does it is EXCESSIVE
i get its marshal but its like
ridiculous at this point
id argue like half her content is lamist


shade felt scummy to me and unjustified

pending arete flip

id argue marshal is
and im the expert so frick you or something

ALSO frick you

joy champ

Okay but!!
She engages with YBW and AT very little despite saying she has a good read on both, she tried doing so when YBW first subbed in but rarely mentions them after that, at least from what I saw

This is like, how Marshal wolves!

doesnt adress how nonsensical this is
marshal never evaluates zone despite zone being in her POE like, all game
and despite Marshal having stated many other scumreads
like maybe she just thought she could pull a fast one? Idk
If it was unrealistic then why did marshal push it with no reasoning? in your own worlds marshal is good at game, or something

ok !! this is valid!!
but marshal pushes it super hard without large basis, it feels wolfy pending arete flip


idhave to find the post again and context and i donot feel like it rightnow




it would depend on who my partners were but probably Marshal, I don’t really go for the whole ‘WifoM the village’ thing and she was pretty tunnelled on me + it would be easy to explain it as ‘wowee the person who claimed multiple public day actions died overnight’

why does she do it at all

I wish for a public reveal of Marshal’s alignment, bypassing any tailoring or framing effects.