Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

Oh fuck you’re right

oh ok

keep going

votes were moving very quickly and we didn’t have votecounts

if she didn’t realize Wind was about to be tied for top wagon continuing to be on Zone makes sense (and in V!Derps worlds allows her to dodge the responsibility of having been on the village wagon)

@PokemonKidRyan who did you roleblock?


this might be kinda wolfy :face_with_monocle:

i leave thread


Ooooo says something not w/w with katze

grrrrr says something not w/w with marshal

PKR, if town, was probably the target of the night kill

Min was fairly consensus v and wolves wouldn’t have forgotten their claim

Ya sure about that one?


i, the lost wolf vigilante (mafia dont have a factional kill, my kill fails if i hit a wolf) shot Chloe last night :slight_smile:

Unless you want to tell me who you nightkilled stop talking lol

Temptation to policy you: 25%


but still a RBer claim is a little scary i guess?

last time we said we were going to policy someone it took us 2 days and we still only succeeded due to arctics passive

im not concerned :^)

did pkr claim his n2 rb

stop doing this

if you dont i’ll take your claim at face value and wagon you myself

not yet no

yes please take my claim at face value