Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

I see. This is good enough.
Thank you for answering me.

–now then, back to the game: …I apologize in advance, but I did not read your reads.


any of them?

or like specific reads

did you have questions about my reads or something

min: 139 posts
Conroy: 196 posts
PKR: 45 posts
…their total is <400 posts, but I am already unmotivated to ISO them.

…hang on a minute.

Which part of Conroy was good?

This might be biased, but I only remember him as a prick that didn’t bother getting involved in anything.
He resembled myself, and unless it’s a meta-read, then that behavior should’ve been -EV and anti-town.

No specific reads. I want to know your general reads.

Never mind, I want to know this first: What’s your take on Marshal and if you are townreading her, then why are you allowing her to scumread me with no other reason other than her shitty “mmmyeah he can be scum. I don’t see why he can’t be scum” logic?

I made a fricking post about this in D2, but it’s actually garbage to bother listening to any guy/gal/puppethead that tunnels you with meta.

I think she’s a wolf

I think she’s being agenda-y and I don’t think her reads are coming from a genuine place of trying to solve

Good. Now the follow-up question: I know that it’s a bit early, but why are you not voting her?

I get that you might have other people you scumread even more than her, but what do you have to lose from voting her now?

…okay. I really gotta start paying attention to you.
Sorry for the lack of attention.

  • Mist, Chloe are my townreads.
  • Gorta townread purely for assisting D2 vote even though ATNo flipped town.
  • katze is an unknown I don’t want to bother myself with.

@SirDerpsAlot @Marluxion @Marshal
Is this too early, or would you mind voting someone already?

Especially Marshal. I see you want me dead, so why don’t you rally up some people like you did at EOD1, huh?

Oh, and I have yet to evaluate PKR’s slot.

Gonna go for derps prob

but I’m really uninterested in cementing a dome this early

If I wanted to, I would have and could have

Why didn’t you? In particular, why aren’t you?
Interest? Oh please, as if you had any interest in properly giving me a reason to be scumread.

You’re just scared of making your situation any worse than it already is.

Ding ding ding

You think I’m gonna win a gladiator dome? Thread wolfreads me, in general, and the people who don’t haven’t done jack shit to save me and have shoved me out into the cold to fight for my own life.

because cementing dome is dummy

Zone - scumreads you, votes you
Derps - ??? Interesting interactions for EOD1
Arete - scumreads you, votes you
PKR - ??? Question mark to everyone

The reads for ‘Me scumreads you/arete’ came from me before they came from either of you.

(You even ignored the part where you couldn’t find a proper reason to scumread me. No **** people are scumreading you.)

…say, who are these “people who have done jack shit”? I see PKR, but shouldn’t there be more players than only him?

–also, nice AtE but that won’t work after your D2 AtE. Dunno about others, but I’ve had enough of it.

I can’t say for certain about Arete, but you’re right that you scumread me EOD1 before I scumread you. My reason to scumread you is because you never explained why you scumread me, and kept using meta to avoid any questions.

I gave you time. I gave you the entirety of D2. I gave you at least 6 hours since SOD3 to explain your scumread on me, but you never did.

Actually, I take this point back. It was probably unintentional AtE. I still don’t like the lack of your reason to scumread me though.