Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

…I should probably start the ISO.
@Nightingale, I am still waiting for an answer.

min is… I agree with Nightingale in that min’s tone is good. There really isn’t much I can read about her alignment from her ISO based off her actions, but the ISO does feel chill and relaxed.

think so too yeah
and the genuine attempt to get marshal killed at EoD is entirely unnecessary as well

whats your poe atm?

there are uh
a lot of people i dont think can be wolves with marshal, which is a point in her favor

oh nvm pog

all people i dont think are likely to be partnered with marshal at all
jane as well partially but thats based on vote movement

im tired and busy, and im not sure what i think anymore
but i have noticed that you’ve been fending for yourself a lot which in my mind makes me think you’re more likely to be a villager :upside_down_face:
especially since i townread the people who are defending you, weh

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It’s PoE at this point. At EoD it was just kind of a vibe. I thought your content was lacking, you weren’t getting talked about, and I have a knack for sniping wolves in that exact position (In the game that was going on when I did it, I had called out and intended to shoot probably the deepest wolf in the game at the point, before getting n1’d and contributing to their death via the memeium in dvc)

I didn’t feel much else. Derps I was getting cold feet on, for stuff that I no longer feel cold on.

If I had to rate your play right now, I’d give it at miiiiiildly >rand v, in all honesty.

Becuase I genuinely don’t wolfread a single person in the game anymore. Derps maybe a bit, I hated a few of his posts but acknowledge I’m not great at reading him.

I’ve tried so hard to indentify villagers that I have found reasons to townread… everybody? I intend on listing those out and evaluating which ones I keep and which ones need serious rethinking.

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I was like ‘I should go check Wind/Derps interactions in light of YBW’s flip’

since I know a lot of people think that Wind spewed them as aligned

and … yeah, I know I’m pretty hard on the ‘Wind spews Derps V’ train, but I have a hard time seeing this making sense in a world where YBW is town and Derps is scum

like, not only is she trying to set up the idea that Derps should be shot if YBW flips town, she’s also trying to set up the idea that YBW should be shot if and only if Derps flips town, and that Derps should ideally be resolved first

which, like, bussing is a thing, but there’s no reason to also attempt to undermine your own push on a now-confirmed-village-LHF slot while doing so?


okay i know i said i was going to twice but its claim time now

i passively learn how many darkvotes were on a player at the time of their death. no one died with any darkvotes yet, except AT who died with exactly two

that’s how i knew zone was most likely a darkvoter, and same goes to gorta

as for my flavour and other abilities, i’m keeping both hidden. first is until someone guesses it, second is until it becomes relevant.

Conroy ISO

First 3 posts of Conroy and I already hate his tone. NAI reads, but bad tone. Within 3 posts, every single good vibe from min has been erased.

*some posts later*
I see that Conroy cussing is normal, which is fair.
I see him wanting others townreads as to not go check the past thousands of posts, which is relatable.
I see him start a debate about another game with Marl, which is NAI but gives me bad impression.

The rest are just one-liners until he revealed his “masterplan”. I really don’t like ISO’ing Conroy, and I bet 100 nuffies he doesn’t like me reading him either.

He townread gorta because “reverse sbpc” and Marshal out of literal pity.

*some posts later*

–apparently Marshal really isn’t going out of D3 execution scot-free. D2 might have worked, but not D3.

Oh wow. He really does remind me of myself. I haven’t seen this level of… what do you call it, “self-reflection”(?) other than when I see myself in the mirror.

Dunno how this works, but I’m down with blindly TR’ing gorta. Sorry gorta, I know you are wary of this behavior, but it really does seem that you’ll be insta-townread for no proper reasoning.

…interesting. For biased reasons, I don’t think scum would question why sulit is town.

…I don’t like his tone, but I understand why Nightingale would townread him. Despite being ignored and trashed around, nothing he did was exceedingly scummy. I’d be surprised if this slot is scum.

This dosent make sense with the conviction you seem to have?

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And, like, I know I’m acting suuuuper appeal-y right now, but I’ve been dragged kicking and screaming straight into PoE for what feels like nothing of my fault

I haven’t had a verifiably wrong push this game. I never gave an incorrect read on a flipped player this game. The idea that i’ve been wolfy because I didn’t interact with wind is laughable, I’m a very experienced wolf and I think it’s an annoying double standard where people think these level 1 tells work on me while I simultaneously don’t get townread for, like, basically anything else because I’m known to have a wide wolfrange.

I’m trying to make it as least emotional as possible, but I am trying to raise the stakes around my own elimination cuz I know it will fuck us up, and my slot living is, in my own opinion, very much +EV for village, especially if I do get out of the PoE. And I don’t generally sit in the PoE, and it’s a bit annoying to, because people generally listen to me less. Town leader marissa can call on a trusted and strong player to ISO someone and have a deep convo with them about their alignment. I cannoot. I get brushed aside or just ignored and I know people can’t engage with me while also thinking I’m actively trying to fuck them over.

So that’s where my motivation comes from
I’m going to try to hard re-eval after I take a quick break and spend the last hours of the night refining my reads because I’m already in a horrible position without having been wrong on a flipped player once to where I know that if I am wrong on a flipped player that I’m infinitely fucked.

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I don’t anymore

Had a few wolfreads earlier in the day

Sulit/Arete/PKR are all slots I can’t reallllllly say I think are >rand w anymore

You are hard to read and straiiiiiiight up PoE. I’ve disliked a lot of your actions in the game.

Though I’m not entirely sure it’s scummy


Does wolf marshal contradict themselves like this

I know this isn’t a real defense but when isn’t this a thing regardless of alignment lol


ping me with
stuff if question

migth do more tomrorw
depend if feel betterworse


Tbqh i could theoretically see sulit and centuries as both wolf slots.

Gorta roleblock main driver of this tinfoil because PKR as wolf roleblocker being honest about his action prob does target the person likeliest to use a negative action on sulit.

Slots didn’t really engage with each other, shaded each other a bit but that went nowhere.
Throwing the thought out there.

With who as the third?

Okay, if you scumread me solely because of POE where everyone is towny, then how about this:

Arete made a list where they gave everyone a reason to be townread, and proceeded to rank the reasons within “reasonable”, “iffy”, and “bad” (or something similar).

I want you to do that, but then instead of townreading everyone I want you to scumread everyone. “Townreading everyone is impossible. Something must be wrong. Find out what that is.”

my brain is incrediblyuyhiy dead righ tnow so sorry for my lack of helpfulness lmfao


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I’m nit made of answers

Was planning on doing a similar realm to this.

I would rather do this than wolfreads because wolfreads aren’t generally my strong suit.

But whatever wild goose chase I do have to go on will have to wait a few minutes, have some things I gotta do
