Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

Marshal how can I ML you if you keep being towny

Oh. I really thought it was because I was being defensive about it.
Well then, mass-claimer, what do you intend to do with all this information?
Force the darkvoters to vote a certain player and threaten them with death if they donā€™t obey?

Hi. Welcome to my world.

I could

But this role has like

Zero utility outside of very specific situations, one of which was last night, and it still doesnā€™t matter unless gorta decides he wants to claim that he isnā€™t a darkvoter


earlier I asked you to quote the posts where TL allegedly softed lost wolf

can you either do that or explain why you made up a verifiably false accusation

*squints eyes*
Welp, okay. As long as I get some proper reads out of you, I can work with that.

In the meantime...

I already have my strongest weapon, my vote, on Marshal, but she will be AFK until she comes back with a proper reasoning.

An option for now would be to vote someone else, and pressure them FWIW.
I know gorta wonā€™t like this, and I am actively townreading her, butā€¦ I want to see where this goes:

/vote sulit

I am pretty sure gorta already claimed darkvoter, so I am just here waiting to hear what this ā€œbrilliant strategyā€ is of having all darkvoters massclaim.

well if thereā€™s further discrepancies iā€™ll be able to react to them faster

i doubt there will be and quite frankly im convinced it doesnt matter either way

My current belief is that ā€œif there are any discrepencies, then it probably comes from Marshal and her abilityā€.

I am just angry that you worked somewhat hard to get all darkvoters to claimā€¦ and then do nothing with it.

I already revealed some of my hands thanks to Jane, and now my role is made public.
All scum needs now is a flavor vigilante, and I can just die in vain.

I really, really donā€™t like what youā€™re doing.

Actually, screw this vote.
I am angry now.

/vote Mistyx

scum definitely do not have a flavor or claim vig

there is no way AT would be the only death last night if that were the case

besides you outed your flavor on your own i didnt do that

I donā€™t know what happened N2.
I donā€™t think I want to know what happened N2.
I donā€™t know what scum does or does not have.

Yes, I outed my flavor willy-nilly. This is my fault/responsibility.
Yes, I outed my messenger passive, but that was because Jane pressured me to.
No, despite being overly defensive about it, I did not out my darkvote passive. You were the one who outed it.

i would be incredibly surprised if that had any negative impact given the lack of warning in the OP despite it being a unique mechanic

besides if people outing darkvotes was bad then why give a villager a role that gets info about who has darkvotes

it doesnt make sense

ā€¦fair enough. I guess I wonā€™t die from flavor.

I mean, I canā€™t exactly confirm your role.
ā€¦still, fair enough.

Back to sulit I go then:
/vote sulit

Itā€™s the stuff that mentions neighborhoods

Read it yourself, itā€™s a quick read.

I know I hyped up the EPIC SOLVING that I was gonna do tonight but got hit very hard with the gender sad and itā€™s taking all of my current energy to just exist so Iā€™m going to sleep it off and leave a big hole that some other villager can decide if they want to fill

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Go get 'em team

or something


okay I might have missed something but these are all the posts I could find that talk about neighborhoods at all