Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

someone make a compelling case I can sheep

Read my case above

/vote sirderpsalot

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marshals pfp is a happy cat

happy? joy

what is joycat doing


laughing? out loud? lol?


marshal is lolcatting!!!

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Marshal is laughing at us
She’s coasting

i have so much i have to do but all i want to do is fm!!ii!!ii!!

bc you’re either intentionally going for the pocket on exactly me or i’m vibin hardfreakincore with you and thats good enough for me to go ‘ok d1 sulit town’ but later down the line when you drop in WiM because you’re no longer on vacation i’ll turn around on you and probably contribute to you being ML’d
thems the rules
i dont make em

the fact that you’re townread by other people for reasons outside of my own makes me think the pocket possibility is less likely

bc katze claimed miller
and people are dumb
and perhaps don’t know why someone would claim miller
kat is either a wolf or a miller and either way its a waste of a check, so i spelled it out for those of us who need a lizard brain explanation to not waste any checks on katto

of all the posts of mine that could ping you in either direction im curious why you latched onto this one
bc i’d say it regardless of alignment
its just how i roll
sunglasses emoji

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I think you both overestimate how hungry I’d be to pocket you as wolf and how much effort I’d be willing to sink into it

Overall trying that hard is porbably counterproductive

she’s coasting*

you could argue that non-alignment checks aren’t a waste on me

but i think im obvtown so they obviouslyare :triumph:

aaa sorry

i thought millers in general are red to any type of check

but mayb am dummy

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Depends on the host

some millers are everything, some are to only specific investigation

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Similar to how some frames are only to certain invest types

why cant marl be awake so i can vote him

theres no fun in voting someone who isnt here


Chloe am I being less annoying

cause my barin aid was bad so i cpmmented as such.
And there are types of checks that arn’t just red/green.

like tracker as a rough examplwe.

Isoed Arctic

Still like

yes i looked bck at how hard my post is to reaf am sorry not use to thids

no i just appear as a member of the mafnya UwU

So hypethedcially if i rtracked you it wouldn/t be seen visting the factinal?
know theres a type for that,

with the spelling errors in that message i cant tell if the r before tracked is supposed to be some form of reaction test or not