Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

i may or may not have combed the mtg fandom site for all of 5 seconds to see if there was a Marissa character or card because my immediate response to your first ‘i put 5 darkvotes on marl’ thing was ‘what the fuck why would marshal pick a goddamn MTG character as their flavor what’

then figured out very quickly that i dislike mtg and dont understand anything so i closed it


nah i’m, like, absurdly gay but even I am not gay enough for mtg

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Ok so you’re saying that you’re not a vest giver Marsh?
Just clarifying that.

Also I legit love MTG.
But I’m the kinda player who you’d find irritating due to my fave decks

Actually wait if jane is clear chloe just is too


oh wait yeah huh

can i get cred for not realizing that


katze moves up to lock clear village for joycat reasons too

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why did wolves attack me of all people wtf lol

am i really that townie :flushed:

And gorta

GOD i want to lock clear gorta to dunk on literally everyone
but I genuinely can’t say he’s looock town even if I think it’s likelier I grow a 6th finger on my right hand than gorta being a member of the mafia

do they fear the lylo steamroll

katze is like

legitimately the biggest question mark in the game for me rn

any time i try to think of a read on them i spontaneously get incredibly tired


I feel weird with my ‘almost lock clear’ zone having just gorta so katze can be a roomate

i feel like we’re both basically in the same place with treeman

don’t worry

i’ll ML them in f3 somehow

@katze r u wolfing

what if :flushed: :flushed: i claimed even night doctor :flushed: :flushed:

hi night

the claim is not serious
i just realized it could cc jane


if you are an alignment cop, maybe