Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

To finish up discussion from earlier now that we have everything actually sorted out.
This is mech stuff and night stuff in one.
If you don’t like mechanics and you’re looking for reads then you’re looking in the wrong post.
I’m making my reads as they go, kinda vibing rn since this is my jam

So night stuff:
PKR Blocked Gorta
Jane protected Chloe

Chloe was night kill target and was saved by Jane.
A townie is night immune but hasn’t claimed it either due to being inactive or not realising it should be claimed (This is unlikely, unless it’s someone with a low IQ or someone inactive. Basically, unless it’s Gorta x2)
Gorta was the assigned factional killer for that night and I blocked him.
Someone hasn’t claimed night shenanigans
2x people tried to kill ATNo (Some sort of vig and mafia factional) - Zone claimed this is unlikely due to ATNo being scumread but I disagree but I know I’m conf biased

Who’d you even night doctor

my n1 self to make sure there wasnt alternate timeline collpase :joy_cat:

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Chloe is so lock clear either way but did you target chloe

i have
not been keeping up with thread that much

Jane: villagery → toncore

Oh the claim is not serious

Yeah okay im too tired for this shit

for the record if people are actually still concerned about my alignment


ill convince you on D4

good night.


I’m going to have nightmares about you

wait no if you go i might get cold feet

you gotta leave me on a cliffhanger or something

sorry dont have any female horse pics

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can someone math how many days until mylo/lylo if we continuously ML

assuming 3 wolves and 1KPN

im having a niarb moment

3 more MLs until a 4v3 lylo

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13 → 11 (d4) → 9 (d5) → 7 (d6)


Suuuper spicy read garunteed to be accurate, but turns into a joycat if any person opens the spoiler in the next 3 hours


Good night


hey night

what does this mean im scared

