Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess


take your time and take care of yourself

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dont mind me unironically considering a w!katze world since it explains why i’d have been attacked

nopenope couldnt be me

i dont actually want to think about this right now because i think i might explode?

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i could probably tell you why that world makes no sense, unless you think i’m more paranoid about you than i am about killing [OBVIOUS PR]

i feel like we’re playing an entirely different game than we were yesterday

like the atmosphere shifted sososo much


whos like… not existing today

theres 13 alive and i feel like ive seen 7 names in thread max lol

nvm i looked at the playerlist


that doesnt feel right but it is right




kinda jane

arguably night?

also gorta but joytree

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okay so I asked (this is paraphrased) “If Halcyon, a darkvoter, were voting Feline at EoD, but Halcyon was exe’d that day, would Halcyon’s vote affect the Dark Votecount for the purpose of Arctic’s passive triggering?”

and did not get a definite answer although the answer I got does suggst that it probably wouldn’t




now look up ‘halcyon’

denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful.

damn im getting voted by my past :pensive:

actually random question

katze claim miller d1

arete, chronomancer cop, cop katze n1?



arete ask katze ‘does your “miller claim” affect things that aren’t just alignment cop checks’

katze say ‘no’

miller chronomancer

bottom text

i guess it depends on how ur results can actually be interpreted i suppose

dont get n3ed so i can claim at the same time as you :pleading_face:

why not PKR/Gorta

I don’t remember any super meaningful interactions there

oh you answered

makes sense

lol we did the same thing

from what I remember she was under some amount of pressure the entire day, and picked up a couple votes at various points, but the final wagon on her mostly happened in the last few minutes

mindmeld :flushed:

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