Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

say what you will about town pkr
i dont think i’ve ever seen him act blatantly illogically

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Thank you?

i mean
it’s not a compliment or an insult
just that you are usually a logical person in terms of how you play the game as a villager

whenever i can’t understand how you’re thinking you’re usually a wolf

To me, this is logical.
But to everyone else it seems not to be.

one of your null reads slips and outs themself as a wolf contradicting with your information

you would pounce on that shit and bury them every single time
you dont white knight them

And I’m trying to explain it, to get people to understand.
But I’m panicking. Because it’s going wrong.
Then it’s spiralling and getting worse and worse.
I want to have a break from thread.

But it’s going wrong

The thunderdome rules out v/v worlds
I think PKR up to the point i read previously has been justifiable
I think the way sulit acted to the thunderdome + mech makes w!pkr/v!sulit worlds unlikely

v!pkr/w!sulit worlds
and w/w worlds
i think they’re both feasible, esp since sulit didn’t thunderdome intentionally

the only world in which this could be v/v
which i was considering earlier
is if pkr was roleblocked

assuming NAR PKR’s roleblock would be stopped by another roleblocker (mafia) targetting him

Pkr continuing on to not claim its in his flavor thus resolve the dome as nonexistent is probably not w/w

he’s miles edgeworth

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i thought that said claim his flavor
not in his favor

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no wait i misread it twice


Yeah both of them being super sketchy and backing out feels pretty w/w



not really? every darkvoter has had their ability explicitly mentioned in a passive
PKR had already hardclaimed a darkvote in an irretractable way I’m pretty sure

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Oh did he

Missed that ty

I can’t take a break from thread when I don’t think things are ok.
But I think I’m making things worse.

I don’t want to wagon sulit.
But people are making it out like I should be.
Yet I think it’s the wrong thing to do.

I’m having a moral panic situation.
And in general I’m cracking under pressure really fucking badly to the point idk what to do anymore.

I wish I hadn’t replaced in.
Because I feel like I’ve ruined the game for town and in general have ruined it for me.
This all so wrong

I’m not backing out of it???

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he did and i quoted a post of his proving he’s a darkvoter before he replied to sulit and answered her question

so he’d know that i knew it wasn’t something he could back out of