Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

I use things like dude and boi with everyone but didn’t wanna be rude and I couldn’t think of anything good so I just said op

i found that joke funny

oh, me? it was supposed to be a joking followup to your comment but lol

you could just use… the appropriate terms then
i don’t see how it took that long to fix something like that

would marshal really care about that

I don’t know

But I didn’t wanna find out the hard way


not a big deal derps prob just wanted to be respectful

Your just as sane as I am


We are not sure how to feel about this vote.

Also because I couldn’t think of a female equivalent that sounded not dumb

Mist’s RPing is throwing me off a bit even though it’s NAI lol

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don’t really get the windward vote
not contesting it and was tempted to pile on saying “imitation is a form of flattery.”
but still don’t really get it

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Its a respect thing.

oh I thought Chloe was joking, so I made a joke back, but… doesn’t look like Chloe got it :frowning:



good (:

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Oh something more interesting then here


Fuck Ici for the flavor for my char

not interested in pushing wind for now

We were under the impression that everyone chose their own Flavor.

How are you not satisfied with yours?