Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

“A shot rings out!” incoming

Bleed with me, Apprentice!

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“The shot failed to hit its target!” incoming

lol at katze claiming miller as a compulsive d1 suicide bomber glgl

I wish for a dayvig


something something hold it

why must you
hurt me in this way

I haven’t seen mists most recent posts
I think that her read on me is perfectly reasonable to make given our mutual experience, but it isn’t subtle or anything
makes sense as either alignment
Their initial read on Jane is sort of a throwaway that i feel can be seen as a sort of a wolfy grasp-at-straws for content
not sure how convinced i am with this interpretation but i definitely see it
her post about windward shutting down reads gave be the same vibes as above
I don’t think she’s wolf with either Wind or Jane because of this
besides that i don’t think ive seen anything obv-villagery
so like, slight wolflean for now

@Chloe ^

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We have returned.

We provide our greatest apologies for the Interruption.

night i told you to call a suicide hotline if you’re sucidal rn
i am very serious
do it.

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literally nobody cares about the game more than you

im in class rnnnnnnnnnnnn
and i dont like talking to random people about stuff

that being said i feel vaguely more good on w!jane worlds than w!mist worlds

i don’t care what your excuse is
ask the teacher if you can go out or smth
and then do it
it’s for the best


[back to ooc mode for a sec]

night if you’re worried about anything happening i do advise taking eli’s advice

but if you arent currently in any danger you are probably fine to wait until after class?

stay safe though please


:joy_cat: My command is fake by the way if it wasn’t obvious :joy_cat:

:joy_cat: reaction was lackluster and I’m disappointed :joy_cat:

Honey cat strikes bacm

Chloe I’m going to pass you in post count

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>katze claims suicide bomber and bombs
hmm yes
reactions are lackluster

i mean thats probably NAI for me

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