Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

Can someone explain the case on Derps to me?

I don’t get it

at all

Why don’t you just explain now

people who seem to be widely village-read for reasons that confuse me as of where I’m at (P#1141)

  • Gorta - as of that post his content was basically limited to standard ‘I will post later’ + calling sulit a wolf for a couple posts, since then he’s also said Derps might be town and voted sulit. I don’t think he’s necessarily a wolf but I don’t think anything he’s done is out of his wolfrange honestly I kind of think it’s possible that he’s a villager being TMI’d V but that’s super tinfoily
  • Min - towncase on them seems to boil down to ‘they got into a big fight in the thread with Arctic’ but I don’t think that’s necessarily town-AI, wolves and villagers can both get frustrated (like it’s AI for some people but I don’t necessarily think it’s AI for them)

anyways I’m assuming that I probably missed something unless my view of the game is just wildly different from everyone else’s, so if someone wants to summarize their villacase on them that would be cool

Tried asking Windward.
Waiting for her response.

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also @SirDerpsAlot less flour on the crust and portion your dough out better and get the crust thinner.

because it’s 4:30 AM and I am tired

katze wants to see arete catch up but katze is tired and wants to sleep

but is also in some pain and sleep in pain is not easy


NGL, kinda have a feeling she’s working on a new case instead of explaining Derps’ case.

She said she’s already posted her argument, and I merely asked for “the quote or at least a summary of it” which shouldn’t take 5 minutes to do, given it’s her own ISO.

I’ll try to be here by the EoD

NGL I’d rather have you sleep and read D1 at N1 rather than show up at EOD1 confused.

it was literally a couple minutes ago
but i can give a more detailed explanation with quotes and stuff

Derps' ISO and my take on it

the thing is that I didn’t get the feeling Derps was scum from his earlier posts. He seemed pretty natural in the thread. but looking back on it I’m wondering if he was posting a lot of filler content because he has a higher postcount than I do, and yet there’s not actually much substance until his read on Marshal.

then a while later, he actually does start pushing on Marshal and encourages Sulit to join him on the wagon. Changes vote to Eli, then decides App’s slot is a policy yeet and votes YBW.

it’s a weirdly placed vote since I personally don’t want to policy yeet anyone D1 (especially not after the slot has been replaced), and someone could probably just use a vig shot on it instead? I mean I was all for voting App for being wolfy, but not so much as a policy yeet. He then admits he forgot about vigs, and goes back to voting Marshal… then decides to vote TL for having 125 posts but accomplishing nothing much.

the weirdest part of his readlist is that after complaining he wants App/YBW out, he doesn’t put them in his 3x3. I guess because he considers the slot a policy yeet rather than scum, but it’s not a very strong case against them, I guess. He also doesn’t say anything about Eli, despite having plopped a quick vote on him earlier.

I’m not going to bother quoting the rest of these kinds of posts but Derps just jumps to discredit whatever Marshal is saying because Marshal is sleep deprived, what? It’s completely possible to make reads while sleep deprived I say as I do the same thing and it’s also a very dumb thing to grab onto to discredit someone as a counterargument. Derps doesn’t agree with Marshal’s reads and just says “nah go to sleep” instead of talking about why he doesn’t agree with Marshal’s reads.

And then… this vote on himself
unlike his earlier RNG vote on himself, this is actually a bad vote.

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yeah I considered posting the first part on its own since I had it already, but figured i might as well write up the entire case in one go instead of making you hunt for the Derps/Marshal interaction.

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This is all you need to have me be against Derps. The rest is a nice and reasonable addition.
–unfortunately I still think Marshal is worse than Derps because she ranked lowposters, so I am not going to change my vote any time soon until I get any form of response from Marshal.

Ah, thank you.

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for arete

i feel like i was probably too frustrated with you earlier and im too tired to reread to actually verify if anything i said represented that

but i’m really not entirely sure how to interact with like, your entire case against me

okay i wrote a bunch more about the actual case, decided it wasnt important, but also decided to keep it

it’s like… okay, arete is telling me that luna is against informed millers

what do i do with this

i genuinely can’t like even think of a fake response to give you that makes sense, let alone a real one

it’s like, the weirdest feeling of being boxed in

but it’s not like, a box that’s constricting me heavily, it’s like… a very very large box, slowly shrinking in size

the dawn of the final day

24 hours remain

the box shrinks

what can i do

it shrinks further

i am doomed a fate that i literally can’t even think of a katze way to bullshit out of without fakeclaiming

which is ordinarily something im fine with! but i am… not… comfortable fakeclaiming not a miller at this point…

the box shrinks further.

fade to black

i think you’re probably just a villager and like, i get that you don’t view me the same?

i wouldn’t mind telling you to just sheep the reads of marshal and chloe who both display more confidence reading me than you ever really have, but that’s cowardice

…but weh

i feel like you haven’t actually once considered a world where my claim is real

and it continues to annoy me

and, while im sorry if it seeps into my posts (it probably ishere and im just not noticing it)

it doesn’t stop me from wanting to throw eggshells at you so you can feel what i’m walking on right now

this post has no meaning to it im just annoyed

Confident V


Probably V


Unordered Yolo-V Reads

min (i cant tell if their approach to me earlier was confused in an obv-v or confused wolf way tbh tbh)



i mean, from what i remember in joat13 his treatment of marl wasn’t really much in terms of interaction, it was mainly just spamming ‘pkr woolf’ when he wasn’t in thread


Did you not read the spoilered part