Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

I think that the poisoner is almost surely a wolf ability and could be coopted with winds ability to kill a slot 100%

So unless derps is that poisoner, the wind CFD is nooot what wolves would go for

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ok gamer


i like the fact that zone is the only fella here that cared about my masterplan enough to ask me to develop my reads further

Honestly, weā€™ve been expecting this from someone since the Day started.

i have checked the box

Didnā€™t Wind have an ability of her own to ensure a slotā€™s death?

The gorta thing is fair, butā€¦
I canā€™t bring myself to townread Marshal. Pity alone wonā€™t suffice.

ā€¦Conroy, I donā€™t know how to say this without hurting you, but me being the sole player to respond to your masterplan is more sad than it is ā€œlikeableā€. (Unless you meant to say this in a sarcastic way, in which case: I understand the feeling.)

Anyhow, speaking of that masterplan of yoursā€¦ I am not that up to date with Mistyx. I just want to avoid her accusing me of attacking her for no reason.
With that in mind, may I ask for your reasons to scumread Mistyx?

Iā€™m staying cryptic about my mist read because itā€™s too high iq for the average fol player and I want to wait if someone else mindmelds and then boom bye scum

Okay, Iā€™m just going to pretend every post Iā€™ve posted today didnā€™t happen. I donā€™t really know why Iā€™m doing the things Iā€™m doing, I canā€™t even back up and say ā€œhaha itā€™s funā€ because itā€™s honestly frustrating my inner conscience just as much as itā€™s frustrating the people who are actually village reading me, and whoever else actually cares about ā€œgood townplayā€. Iā€™m trying to not be like this, butā€¦ yeah. Whatever. Iā€™m putting it behind me, youā€™re free to not do that; I canā€™t really control you.

The cop check is fake (wow), the read isnā€™t. I briefly skimmed the game earlier and came to the conclusion that Eli really had nothing else going for him than a vague resemblance of a gut read in the positives.

My claims of poisoning Marl are also fake, obviously. And whatever else Iā€™ve claimed today.

Iā€™m going to probably take a step back from this game and try to keep myself composed. I donā€™t like what Iā€™m doing.

I might just force myself to type in ā€œproper textā€ ā€“ much to Chloe and Marshalā€™s chagrin ā€“ it generally helps me remain reasonable.

I cut out a few paragraphs here because it felt vaguely ATEy, but weh. I need a full mental reset and the night phase wasnā€™t long enough for that, apparently.


@Zone_Q11, what ā€œpep talkā€ are you talking about, and why


I fucking shrooped. I did it.

ā€œand why has nobody else seen this as a 1610 like I have?ā€

ā€¦zone what pep talk are you referring to


Oh. Great. (Sarcasm.)
You were one of the few who started the CFD on Windward. Rather, your vote was posted before Datā€™s VC, so it was not even registered yet.

Anyhow the point is: Youā€™re locktown in my eyes, which is sad because I wanted to ask you stuff about your scummy actions.

Questions Now Irrelevant

Hey Your Highness. What happened to Derps?

And what is your planned response to such expected behavior?
Surely you have better things to say than ā€œWe expected thisā€?


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We believe he looks good enough off of the Windward wagon to not be a priority.

We are waiting for him to expand on his read.

This game is on freeze until zone tells us what pep talk he was talking about

Reading Windā€™s ISO. I donā€™t see a pep talk in the latter half, and I assume if it were in the former half, that the pep talk would have been thanked on Day 1.

/vote Zone_Q11

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as a man who has recently 1610ā€™d in nightgirl catjestless
that really does feel like a 1610

It has something to do with my ability.
Donā€™t worry about it. Itā€™s not that useful anyway.