Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

but marshal ur slot is simply a villager and i want to work with you and talk about the game but if you dont stop dropping people (me, hello) into the poe every time they (i, hello) disagree with you i will be tilted 24/7 and i cant do that

no you didnt say it this way thatā€™s revisionist asf

im here to win

some players here are never going to improve past a certain point, as long as gorta does this playstyle where heā€™s obv w Iā€™m going to keep on jumping in and taking the bait

who knows the game where he changes might be this one for all i know

but it doesnt matter because odds are the game where he changes his playstyle is in 49 games and for the next 48 games im going to be probably correct

I donā€™t think you slipped

I think Jane could have legitimately believed that you slipped

if it works, why change it?

It was for like 9 difffernt reasons but I already have 8 other things to explain and so Iā€™m going to just pretend it was all the funny ones

Hold up. You twoā€¦ Do you actually think Windā€™s wagon is pure?
Mist and Marl I can understand, but even Jane and sulit?

I am not saying that I scumread either of them, but townreading them solely based off Windā€™s wagon is SUCH a bad logic.

sis no offense but chloe is obvtowning

unless u can prove me wrong

maybe im pocketed

but im not

yeah yeah whatever

you do this literally every freaking time and you do it to kat too

in zelda mash when you townread me you flipped to scumreading kat

right now because i voted gorta you flipped to scumreading me

and you never freaking explain and always get all cryptic and go ā€˜lol chloe obvwolf lol i have a redā€™ and its


nothing ever truly pisses me off but that? that hits the spot


less sure on sulit but iirc wind was janeā€™s only major push

based on their general thread position i dont think it was a bus, especially since no one was really considering wind when jane started the wagon


marshal smells

I have an assignment due in 85 minutes but my brain says Iā€™m not allowed to leave until Iā€™ve caught up to the present

someone please yell at me

go do your assignment, fm can come later

the day is 48 hours long

chill brah

its wat u get for having a good enough wolfgame to pull off ur posts

I go in and out with how I read you and I canā€™t just not say that I no longer village read u after an iso skim because if I die people will use my words and I gotta line up my thought process

Its not an explicit wolfread, but i canā€™t put you in the towncore. I prooobably will end up there tbh but itā€™s not like youā€™re literally ever gonn get miselimd in the meantime

Voted Voters Number of Votes
katze Arete, Mist 2/8
Gorta Chloe, Zone 2/8
Mist Conroy 1/8
Chloe Marshal 1/8
Jane Eli 1/8
Not Voting YBW, Derps, Gorta, Marl, Nightingale, Sulit, Katze, Jane 8

Ping @datbird for new votes and mistakes. If u dont u dont get VCs

something something ā€œwagon compā€

i just hate lack of explanation

im fine with being scumread and i can handle that but from context clues it looks pretty blatantly like you simply scumread me for disagreeing with you, yet you never explicitly state as such and instead hop to the lolchleolockwolf shit

it was 4 minutes!!



This guy only stopped when he got what he wanted. He only stopped when he knew that I am useless at protecting faction kills. Did you see what he did before I gave him the answer? Sure, katze might have thought that I scumslipped, but him? He was the one who told katze that scumchat can only be at Discord. He knew that I did not make any mistakes when I gave my thanks to Windward.

All he wanted, was my role.

ā€œEV-ā€? Bruh, I am the one who killed PKR in SFoL63. Since when have I ever given 2 cents about reputation whenever I rand town on this site?