Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

can you expand on this point

does the fact that he’s kind of always like that affect your read at all


what are some places where you think the thread has reached a consensus and that consensus is wrong

what are you doing to try to change that wrong consensus

the answer to both of these is “it’s just kind of gut and stops me from moving him away from null too far”


you shrooped the first sentence but it’s still pretty obvious what you mean


what would help you more accurately determine his alignment, besides him spontaneously changing his entire playstyle

can you ask me questions that don’t require me to think about the entire game



what’s a take that you’ve seen in the last ~hourish that you thought was just, so bafflingly wrong that you couldn’t understand how they had arrived at that read in the first place because to get there your entire view of the game would need to be different

another wolf flipping and spewing him clear

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fair enough


are there players that you think he’s like, definitely never a wolf with

I hate preflips but I don’t have a better follow-up question

no because he’s too low on content for me to say

maybe marl but he probably doesnt realistically die until the poison happens which wont be yet

“katze is a wolf” :^)

i mean i think marshals list just now is kinda hard to agree with

while i don’t think zone is towny i think he’s not actively wolfy and meta-wise he’s been sitting comfortably in the V side of things all game imo? but i know she’s been repping that read all game

calling you wolfy feels like a stretch as well

i can see how she gets there though, and realistically i probably still V read you too much for “lol theyre writing villagery posts” but… weh, you can do that as a wolf even if you pretend you can’t

there hasnt actually been that many takes in the last hour its been mostly us throwing shit at eachother



what about the hour before that

or like

at some point in the game (but restricted to a time frame that doesn’t require you to think about the whole game)

i guess in general there were a lot of people (yourself included) saying “wow wind spew looks good for derps” when, while it does at a surface level, i still strongly disagree and have stated as such

believe it or not when i disagree with things its usually evident in my posting

…id say to iso me but iu arleady have 600 posts aaaa god dammit

/vote Marshal
y’know normally i’d vote zone for that vote chain earlier
marshal has some other things :tm:

here arete

Confident V


Probably V


Unordered Yolo-V Reads

ConroyFrance (purely off of min)
Nightingale (ignoring claim stuff)

ask questions



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why do you have 600 posts

this is a serious question that I am pretending is AI


your pushes seem bad

why are your pushes bad

or am i wrong

what do you think i’m going to say