Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess


ATP I don’t think speculating about D1 wagons is gonna be very usefull because it’s still too much WIFOM


Derps youre literally the only person with tmi on the other wagon

If anything YOU should be solving these wagonomics

Everyone else doing so is simply speculating based on your alignment and/or role

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What kind of bullcrap is this? Since when has this site become scumbuddy bussing galore?
“Jane, the one who tunneled Wind for a whole RL day, could be bussing Wind.”
“sulit, who voted Wind 5 minutes before EOD, could be bussing Wind.”
“Mistyx, who voted Wind 2 minutes before EOD, could be bussing Wind.”
“Marluxion, who voted Wind 1 minute before EOD shortly after Arctix, could be bussing Wind.”


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ok cool

Wagons were w/v

I’m not very good at wagonomics esp when their weren’t any vcs to keep track of what was happening

I’ll bite. With that in mind, let’s just nuke ATNoName. That slot’s been living for far too long ever since App’s D1 throw.

…hey @sulit, wanna exe Conroy D3?

:crab: zone is pocketing me :crab:

I’m like, unopposed to either of those people dying?

I want to look closer into derp wagon tho

can’t wait


note to future sulit

Who voted zone eod

To whoever tried to lecture me N1 with the message: “NO. I will NOT get off my high horse. If scum aren’t playing dumb, then this town is actual horseshit.”

Umm what? I just said the most likely wolf in that CFD if there is one? Sulit is currently the most likely candidate if it’s true.

I’ll be back in a bit

Do we think gorta will actually start playing soon


Started with Marshal.
Followed by Derps, arguably for self-pres, before changing to Mist.
Ended by Arete, who changed their vote to Derps, causing a tie.

i almost regretted leaving thread
i no longer do

Because if not I think we just use the dark vote vig thing on him nglngl